Jaiden Dittfach

28 0 0

June, 16,2035
7:30 am
Cruise Ship

Jaiden, now a retired Vanguard was slipping tea on a table with 4 chairs in an empty buffet with a few people on a cruise ship, the ship is heading towards Japan. And on the left of the table is her daughter Elizabeth, and her advisor on right. Since then Jaiden has been growing attraction from people around the world due to her being the only Vanguard left in the world during the 2030 incident of an monster who nearly ended humanity. All 3 Vanguard's General Alexander, Samsara Lefu , and the most infamous of them all Azrael Raiden all died during the incident. Jaiden remembered adopting a now orphan child, Elizabeth in the ruins of the city destroyed by the monster. Now she enjoys her life, and her daughter is now 14.

Her advisor continued to ramble about her persona, and the latest trend. Jaiden gives her advisor a nodded look as she continued to slip her tea.

"So, recently two days ago you visited the president of a poor African nation, and he thanked the vanguard program for ending a radical rebel group in the sector. The world is speculating about the rebel group using the Seals found in the dead Vanguards to create a so-called Cyber Vanguard, what's your opinion on this Miss Jaiden, and a video about this is number 1 trending in the world"?

Jaiden signed, "well" Jaiden put down her tea " from what I know the terrorist group is a rebel group not funded by any government body and doesn't have the technology to preserve or revive the properties of the seals, nobody in the world ever did one, so I highly doubt it is true" Jaiden replied

"Now here is a comment from Dodo Nodens who has over 100k subscribers, on your latest video quote I've been in the military, it says Jaiden I love your videos but I have a doubt this is not over. A random thought in my mind says what if the terrorists used the seals and create the Cyber Vanguards, and what if someone in a secret lab is creating one right under our eyes, and any government body could fund it in secret"

"Tell the dude to calm down, and look at the facts. We are in a peaceful time right now" Jaiden replied

Elizabeth tapped on Jaiden's shoulder trying to get her attention. "Yes sweetie" Jaiden replied.

Elizabeth then showed her drawing tablet and on it was a picture of a anime girl sitting under a tree with poorly done shading "Mom is this good, I worked on it the whole morning" Elizabeth replied. Jaiden took a looked at Elizabeth's drawing tablet.

"I like the anatomy this time, but the shading is unrealistic, and trees don't look like that, I recommend you to look at references. Pinterest has many pictures for you to look at" Jaiden suggested

"Ok, Mom, I will take your advice" Elizabeth answered back.

Her advisor looked at the two with a smile, she couldn't bare watching them without thinking this is wholesome "So you're having a little bit of daughter time with your kid, how old is she?" Her advisor replied with a smile look.

"She's 14" Jaiden replied

"Damn you raised a big girl" Her advisor compliments. The two laughed.


In the control room of the cruise ship, the captain stared into the rising sun while standing on one tall platform in the middle of the control room, while many people on the bottom managed the ship through the built computers that manages the ship's trajectory and all the systems. Then one person in a pilot uniform shirt walked up to the captain holding 2 Venti-sized coffee.

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