Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

The next days were good. I felt nothing but contentment.

"Please, please let me throw a party?" Gulf pleaded.

I sighed and shook my head. I didn't know why he wanted to throw a party for me when my birthday's already passed. I'd rather study for the upcoming preliminary exams next week than throw a party that I won't even enjoy.

"You promised," I told him and continued walking towards our kitchen.

"I promised not to throw a party on your birthday. Today's not your birthday anymore. I can definitely throw a party now!"

I actually didn't need the party anymore. On my birthday, my dad greeted me in the morning and told me that we will have dinner one of these days. He couldn't meet me on the date of my birthday since he was busy. It was fine by me since I was already used to it. He'll give me a gift on my birthday and meet with me days or weeks later just so we can eat together.

It was totally fine by me because I never really liked celebrating my birthday. Ever since my mom died, my birthday became a regular day for me. It was nothing special since my mom was not there to make it special anymore.

But of course, Gulf hasn't always liked that idea. He always makes sure that we do something. So on my birthday, he bought me a book about love.

"I was a jerk. I probably still am," he explained when he gave the book to me. "I know that when your relationship gets too serious and complicated, you're going to ask me. I'm probably not the best person to ask, because obviously, I'm dumb when it comes to love—Exhibit A, Mew—so, I don't know... maybe this book will help."

"R-Relationship?" I asked confusingly.

"Yeah. Aren't you guys together?"

I shook my head slowly. Together? As in... together-together? I just confessed to him and that's it. I wasn't rejected but... now that I remember it, he didn't actually accept my confession as well. But... he did hug me after that. Was that enough confirmation that he was reciprocating my feelings for him?

Nonetheless, I confessed to him without the expectation that he would like me back. He also didn't actually say we're together after that. And it's been a few days since, so...


"Oh, well. You're going to be officially together soon. I'm sure," he shrugged his shoulders. "I have long accepted that now."

I sighed when I remembered our talk again. I was so sure then that it wasn't going to bother me. That not having a label with Bright isn't going to bother me. I confessed to him, so I should know that I was in no place to force him to be official with me.

But it's also been a while now, and the thought was just stuck in my head. Thanks to Gulf.

"Fine," I said in defeat. "But please, nothing extravagant."

"Yes! Thank you!" he said happily and proceeded to make some calls.

Because it was a Saturday and Gulf had to go somewhere for a brand deal meeting, he forced me to go to the mall to pamper myself.

I told him I didn't need to and I can sleep until it was time to party later but he was very persistent. So... here I am now. At the mall. Alone, on my way to Gulf's usual spa salon.

Bright Vachirawit:
What are you doing?

My heart jumped a bit at the sight of his name on my phone.

I pursed my lips, remembering my birthday once again. He didn't know. He had no idea it was my birthday. He was busy at that time because he was catching up on his lessons at school and his work, but really, it wasn't a problem for me.

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