Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Learning about people's behaviors comes with the understanding that many of us are scared to be happy because of the fear that something messed up will follow.

The world knows that to the point that we see it happen a lot—in movies, in books, in real life—that after being happy, something bad happens.

I didn't really understand that concept. I used to think that... isn't that just life? We become happy. We become sad. We become happy. We become sad. Isn't that the cycle of life? Do people really expect their life to be happy all the time?

I didn't understand it before, really.

Until now.

"Is there a patient named Vachirawit Chivaaree?" Gulf asked one of the nurses.

We were in the emergency room now. There were a lot of patients inside. I saw some blood, some fractured body parts, and a lot of other sick people in their own beds with nurses and doctors attending to them. I've been in the hospital a few times already but I can never get used to seeing people like this.

I looked away. I tried calming myself on the way here but seeing the condition of some patients here makes me want to overthink again.

Bright is alright, I convinced myself.

The nurse had to check on his computer for a bit. I was anxiously tapping my foot on the ground because the suspense was already killing me. I looked around again, trying to blur out the patients who have blood and bandages on their heads, and tried to find Bright on my own. Gulf said Tay wasn't replying anymore, so we had to find Bright on our own.

"He's unresponsive, doc!"

"Get him to OR 3, now!"

It felt like all my blood left my body when a gurney and a group of nurses and doctors passed us by. It went by so fast that the only thing I saw was the guy's face which was covered in blood. I cleared my throat.

I wasn't able to see it clearly but what if-

No, Win.

Don't even go there.

"Excuse me! Can you hurry up, please?!" Gulf said irritatingly.

I felt bad for the nurse. He looked scared of Gulf. Well, I couldn't blame him. Gulf could really be intimidating oftentimes. He's a nice person but once he raises a brow at you and his eyes to turn dark, he could be really scary.

I wanted to tell him to take it easy on the nurse, but what do I do? I am panicking here. I also wanted the nurse to hurry up. How long does it take to type Bright's name?

"C-Curtain 6," the nurse pointed at one of the curtains.

The nervousness quickly wrapped my whole system. I was nervous earlier already, but this time, it was on another level. I could feel my body trembling when I looked at the curtain that was covering the bed Bright is in.

W-Why was it closed all the way? I scanned my eyes around and saw that even those who had blood on their head had their curtains open while talking to a doctor. Why was... why was Bright's closed?

I didn't realize my feet were stuck to the ground until I felt Gulf's hand on my wrist, pulling me until we were in front of Curtain 6.

My lips quivered when I saw Gulf opening the curtain.

I shut my eyes tightly and balled my hands into fists. I didn't know why the image of my mom dying inside the hospital flashed in my mind.


Broken Heart SyndromeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang