Experiment S.T.R.A.Y

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A cat be heard in the distance.

The cat in question wakes up on a cardboard box, it goes to a couch and scratches it like a scratching post.

It goes outside to explore.

It spots a scavenger.

"Meow." As the cat walked up to them.

"Hey, who left this cat in here?" Said a scavenger petting the cat.

"We should eat it, I heard cats are a good source of protein!"
Said a scavenger, watching his friend pet it.

"Have you lost your mind?!" Said the scav that was petting the cat.

The cat runs away.

The scavengers are on pursuit, but the cat manages to shake them of it's trail.

It goes to the outpost, to find food of course.

It goes inside.
Finding an MRE container.
On a table, the cat jumps into that table and attempts to open it.
It claws it's way in, it sees a fish and a prescription reading out "Mushroom stew".
The cat ignores the mushroom soup and consumes the fish.

Multiple foot steps can be heard on the distance.

The cat hisses, and runs away.
It manages to get back.
Curling up, it sleeps on its couch.

Noises and wind speed can be heard loudly, possibly the storm.
The storm shrouds everything, but the cats little shelter in the cats mind.
A possible subspecies from new earth.
Due to it's high intelligence being on par of an adult human or adolescence human.

It subsides.
And the cat wakes up.

Rest is "EXPUNGED".

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