Night 7, "Civil war amongst the scavs"

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After the storm subsides, alot of firearms can be heard in the distance.

Jade coughs blood, and wakes up to the sound of gun fire.

"What the fuck happened?" She stands up, and opens a bottle of augmentin antibiotics.

She eats a pill, and drinks a can of Ulycola.

The individual and agents approach her.

"Hey you finally woken up!"
Said Mao.

"Thanks, but what happened and who is the new guy?" She points at the individual.

"Dvalsyon Shturmenein, we found him at the castle. After you massacred the castle inhabitants. Extra muscle from the scavenger threat." The berserker replied.

"I see......" Said the arbiter.

She grabs her hammer, and cocks the hammer's loading mechanism.
While loading more shells inside.
She goes outside of the warehouse, accompanied by the individual.

They go to the outpost and see alot of Scavengers fighting each other.

The arbiter makes quick work of them, with her augmentation "Knuckleboom".
The individual though is struggling by a sledge scav.

Jade kicks the Sledge scav onto the ground, and uses her augmentation at point blank.

Erasing the scav instantly.

The individual spots an AK scav, the individual falls down on the ground exhausted.
His tendrils grow into his arm and separate onto the ground.
Creating a shadow hunter.
A small amount of crystals can be seen.
The individual is shocked, but uses it to his advantage. He points to the AK scav, and the Shadow hunter charges at him.
The shadow hunter's quiet footsteps approaching the unaware AK scav, it slices him in half.

The arbiter goes upstairs, and finds two scavengers fighting one-another.
She uses her Knuckleboom.

She misses and only kills one.
The other runs away, afraid.
She goes downstairs and spots the shadow hunter and individual.
She uses he Knuckleboom longshot, bullseye.
It hits the ground, yet both the individual and the Shadow hunter dodges it.

"HEY FRIENDLY FIRE, THIS THING IS AN ALLY!" said the distressed individual.

"Damn, a Reikgon as an ally. Impossible, but it isn't attacking you and me so your probably right." Said the arbiter.

Harry goes to the mountain and spots a group of scavengers and another group fighting.
He helps one of the groups fight the other.
They managed to win and survive the fight.

The Scavs thank the artillerist.
The artillerist goes inside of the mountain.
Finding a small amount of ammo and some food. He goes back to the base and drops it off.

The berserker goes to the helipad and massacres the scavengers.
The serum wore off tho, so he grabs the weapons and rations they have and goes back to warehouse.

The arbiter carries a scrapper with the individual. They go down stairs and back to the warehouse.

They drop the scrapper near the gigantic container.

The berserker drops his loot.
Harry comes back and also drops the loot he found.
He places it onto the storage container that the berserker found.

They wait it out.

Michael just sits there, and is shock by the shadow hunter.
"HEY HOW DID IS IT HERE?" said the drifter, somewhat shocked and confused

"It's an ally, Dvalsyon Shturmenein summoned it." Said the arbiter.

Harry replies "Welp we have a new member to the team, nice!"

The individual's stomach grumbles.
"Hey do you have any food?"
Said the individual.

The agents said "Yeah." In unison.

The arbiter drops a can of RI-bean's and Ulycola.

The individual takes it and consumes the cans.

"Thanks comrade!"
Dvalsyon says.

"No problem." Said the arbiter.

The storm closes in slowly, and they prepare.

The berserker grabs his bat.

The artillerist loads his box with the new ammunition same caliber for his M60 he found.

half but enough.

The arbiter shoulders her hammer.

And the individual attracts his blade.
It comes out of his arm, and he prepares.

The scavengers come, and there's a scav with a bucket half naked.

The arbiter jumps and uses her Knuckleboom boom to boost herself onto that scav, the scav dodges yet the shockwave makes him lose balance.
He falls to the ground.

The arbiter swings her hammer onto the scav, the scav in question was destroyed.

She uses her Knuckleboom longshot again.

She hits 5 scavs, they all die.

The berserker charges at the scavengers, nailed bat again on hand.
He injects his serum onto his shoulder.

The artillerist fires at the scavs, semi automatic only.

The individual and his shadow charge at the horde of scavs, they fire upon him yet his shadow hunter kills the ranged scavs, the wounds of the individual somehow heals when the shadow hunter kills the scavengers.

They retreat, and the storm subsided.

Night 8 has begun.

Author's note,

Yo credits to the author of Cold rot for kinda inspiring me to add a scrapper onto the base.

Goodbye, and have a good time!

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