Night 4 "In between..."

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The group of Agents were exhausted from the wave, they rest for a while.

Patching their wounds.

The servo is arterially bleeding and has a broken arm.

Jade was patching up her wounds.

Michael was using a crafted splint to help the servo.

The berserker was lying down, tired and sleepy.

After jade patched her wounds up, she uses a tourniquet to patch up the servo's arterial bleeding wound.

"Hey you good bud?"  Says the arbiter.

The servo replies "Yeah! Thanks to you comrades!"

"I'm off to scavenge." Said the drifter after he patches up his wound and helped the servo.

Wearing a rucksack he found on a dead scav.

Michael went out of the warehouse ready to find loot.

He was passing through the crossroads, as he was checking locker by locker for any loot.

He was jumped by 3 scavengers.
One had a ice pick, another had a sledge hammer and the last had a Ruger.

Michael uses his MB type "Dread" to fight them.
He killed the attackers, and goes to their corpses looting them of any food or some weapons.

When he was near the helipad, he was almost shot by the sniper near the castle.
Michael was gasping for air, because he almost died. He goes back to the crash site, and checks for any loot inside.

Michael goes back to the warehouse.
Dropping the loot, drinking Ulycola.
While dropping the last of his loot.
Colored syringes.

One from riotlabs, another an experimental nanite solution.
The last was strange, it was blue.
No label. Just blue.

"It tastes like battery acid!" The drifter says disgusted.

Jade replies "Want my canister?"

The drifter shakes his head.

"Alright."  The arbiter says.

The storm approaches as they eat MRE and RI-beans.
The storm shrouds the entire village but not the warehouse.

There's no wave.

"Strange...... No scavengers....."  Says the servo.

They all rest for a while.

The storm subsides.

Night 5 begins.

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