Night 3 "Potential."

209 4 4

[This is a somewhat of a remaster, to make the story much more interesting]

The agents decided to enjoy themselves for a bit, chatting. Eating food.

The servo was going out to scavenge resources.
Jade was smoking near the crate, but she was interrupted by the crippled agent Harry.

He says, "Aren't you that Tuberculosis patient?"

Jade replies "Yeah so what? I won the battle against tuberculosis. Now leave me alone I want to relax after the fight."

He mutters "Still don't smoke, it's bad for your health."

She says, "Try it, it's relaxing."

Scavengers POV:

"They seem to be enjoying themselves, boss." As the scavenger adjust his binoculars.

"Although that servo is scavenging."
Says the scavenger scout.

Yosef replies, "We need to reinforce the outpost, and place some sledgers on the mountain. If we are to kill this wave of agents we need to be smarter."

"What about the raiders?" The scavenger asks.

"leave them alone, or kill them." Yosef says.

He also says, "Anyways, We need to take out their arbiter. She's too much of a threat.
She's like Agent "Zero".
Anyways, also enliminate that artillerist he is not what he seems.

The scout replies, "Yes, sir."

Yosef then says, "Now for the rest of you, Guard the outpost."

They all nod and go to the outpost.

Yosef says, "I might need to ask my elite guards to ready up. Shirosue!"

Shirosue replied "What is it?"

Yosef says, "On night 10, you must go and kill every agent. My elite guards will follow you. If you fail, I will take matters into my own hands."

Shirosue nods to his instructions.

Now onto the agent POV.

Jade says, "Come on try it!"

Harry shakes his head, "N-no! It's bad for my health!"

The servo comes back to the warehouse with a rucksack on his back.

"I have found good resources, got one firearm comrade." The servo says.

Jade replies "Nice!"
And smiles at the servo.

The servo drops the resources on the floor.

"Now anyways, try smoking harry~"
Jade says, giggling.

Harry replies "NO! PLEASE!"

Jade slung her sledge hammer onto her shoulder.

"Meh, fine......"
She giggles to herself.

The storm comes, as they all eat MRE and RI-beans on the ground.

They all prepare to defend the warehouse after they finish their food.

The Scavs appear from the crossroads, all armed with weapons, from ice picks to Uzi's

Jade spots a group of scavengers approaching from the mountain.
She fires her knuckle boom at the group. 
She kills 5 but not everyone.

She uses her Knuckleboom again, but on her rear doing a point blank and boosting herself into the scavengers.
Where she swung her sledge hammer onto the ground detonating the shells. Causing a small shockwave.

Michael throws his smoke and projects himself with his anchor and uses MB type "Dread" to kills the scavengers on his side.

Harry grabs his revolver, and loads bullets to his revolver as fast as possible.
After he loads his rounds he fires at the scavs one by one as precisely as possible

The servo uses his ARTIK-NCU device to ensure his team doesn't die.
And grabs the Ak-74 on the ground firing it at the hostiles.
He gets hit on the shoulder by a 1911 scav and drops it.

Jade loads more shells into the loading mechanism, while cocking the sledge hammer.

And she swings it at a single scavenger, his head was blown off by the impact.

The berserker was attacking the scavs, using a nailed bat he found on a chest.
He strikes at them mostly focused on the torso and shoulder. 

Bludgeoning them to death. 
He gets slashed by an icepick scav but he walks it off and kicks him to the ground.

A snapping noise can be heard.

The raid has failed, the rest that are still alive retreat.

The storm subsides, as the corpses of the scavengers that were unfortunate enough remain in the warehouse.

Every agent check on themselves for any major wounds.

Night 4 begins........

Author's friend note,

The author really nailed how optimistic Lily was, yet he still is somewhat bad.
(Sorry my friend, heh?")

HEY I RETURNED, anyways who's lily?


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