"Well then, let the marvellous Cosmo assist you on your journey to the great chamber, my lady!" The pegasus guardian offered with so much enthusiasm that it broke the tense atmosphere. "Lead me to the path, my loyal companion," Y/n stood up slowly before approaching the other Lluminarian. Everyone watched in silence as the two left the room together, unable to say anything about their formal exchange. Well, except Gopal.

"It feels like we're in a play," he commented suddenly but only earned a glare from Boboiboy who wasn't able to forget the questionable comment about him being jealous.

"Don't try anything ever again."

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Two days it has been after their last mission and Y/n had managed to regain her healthy state. The TAPOPS leaders hasn't been able to give them instruction yet and that's what they were waiting for before they can continue their mission to the last planet, Planet Lluminaria. Lately, it has been trouble for Y/n to sleep without having nightmares about Lunos' immoral actions, especially the fact he killed their parents using dark magic which they didn't know he can conjure after all this time.

Y/n stuck to her words about not using her magic which helped her recover fast and smoothly. Many have happened after that night of the Planet Plantae fight; those conclude Adu Du's temporary alliance with them and the two elves who helped them defeat the Huay Chivo. Kaden and Sir Elliot had decided to join their journey to fight against Lunos but planned on coming back first to make sure to get intel that they can use. Even though Adu Du and Probe didn't want to, they had to tag along with the two to make sure their ship is still okay in the hands of the ruler.

But they agreed on meeting up in Lluminaria once the team arrives and receives instructions from the TAPOPS higher-ups. Because they were told that unlike the other missions, they needed to visit someone before they try to take back the light planet from Lunos Llumina. That's what got Y/n thinking besides her current concerns about her brother and his horrible deeds these last few months. She didn't know what he wanted, he already had money, fame and power. What more could he want that she didn't know he always yearned for?

She thought it must have been important to the point he killed their parents, something she couldn't get out of her head.

She was lost and almost didn't know what to do once she faces her brother. Confront him? Ask him his intentions? But nothing could change the fact that they're dead, no matter how much she hates it. She had mixed feelings, she wanted to hate Lunos for his actions, and she wanted to slap him in the face until it was enough. But she knows she'll never get satisfied unless they were alive. She was a hopeless bag of conflict inside, from the mind and to her heart. Indecisive, that's what she was.

At first she decided to just make Lunos learn his mistake and show Lluminaria that she is innocent and never planned treacherous actions. She thought to herself, 'Where did the prophecy come from?' That was the biggest question even Kaden and Elliot couldn't answer her, even though they found out about it from her brother. Was it planned or did Lunos make it up to have an excuse to get rid of her? She was stuck nevertheless. The only thing left to do was stop him even if she didn't want to hurt him.

She wasnt Lunos, she won't be like him. She'll do anything to save Glamoura even if it's the last thing she does. Even if it means facing her brother.

Y/n opened the futuristic door of the chamber before her, the recharging area of the power spheres. She needed to talk to Ochobot at the moment, she felt like he's the best choice at the moment since he holds the connection the most with Admiral Tarung and Commander Kokoci. She slowly steps and the door closed soon after automatically. Her (e/c) irises landed on a familiar figure she didn't expect to be there too. She stopped in her tracks, letting a short moment of silence commence.

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