" Fuck okay! Just put the slipper down " he says

" It's in my truck " he says

" Who is? What's her name? " I say keeping the slipper by my side.

" What? No! I'm not cheating on Isla , shit is that what she thinks? Just hold on okay let me go get it " he says frantically.

I narrow my eyes at him before I point the slipper at Eli.

" Go outside with him "

The two head outside as Atlas comes up to me with an amused smirk on his face. He grabs my waist and gives me a kiss before he looks at me.

" Your brother knows that we like each other, he was hoping we'd hit it off from the very beginning " he says as he laughs.

" That sneaky- " I'm cut off as Elias and Jax come back inside and he looks at me nervously.

" I didn't mean to be short with her and make her assume the worst , but I had to go to her parents house and ask for their blessing, which is six hours away. I then went to her favorite restaurant and begged the chef for the recipe of her favorite pasta dish. " he says

" Blessing? "

He pulls out a teal Tiffany's box before he opens it and I see a large diamond ring.

" MY BABY IS GETTING MARRIED? OH MY GOD!" I say as I look at the beautiful diamond ring.

" I thought I was going to have to break your leg! So, when are you going to ask? " I say excitedly.

He looks at me in fright before looking over at the guys.

" Well I planned on asking her tonight and I wanted to see if you could come and help me set up the roses and candles? But as of right now, I'm going to crash on your couch it's been a long night " he says.

Atlas and Eli look at Ajax with a harsh glare and I become a bit confused. Why is it a big deal if I know that they've stayed up all night?

Only then do I take notice of the bruised and bloody knuckles that appear on all three of them.

" Where have you guys been? " I say with narrowed eyes.

All three of them widen their eyes and look at each other as they try to come up with a lie. I look towards Eli who is taking interest in the floor , I turn to Atlas who is scratching the back of his head looking down at my boobs , and Ajax who is trying to slowly inch his way towards my couch.

That is when I see the bloody bat that is propped up beside the door. I walk over to it and I grab it before I point it at them.

" If I don't get an answer right now I will break- "

" We jumped Nate" Elias says

I put the bat down and I laugh

" I'm sorry , I thought you said you jumped Nate " I say wiping a few tears away from laughing so hard.

" We did , the prick deserved it after what he put you through. " Atlas says walking towards me.

" IT WAS ATLAS'S IDEA " yells Ajax from the couch

Elias takes the opportunity to run upstairs before I can talk to him any further. I turn towards Atlas to see him rolling his eyes and muttering " traitor ".

" I'm sorry beautiful, I just didn't think a broken nose did justice so I told Elias and Jax where he was and- "

Before he can finish rambling I grab ahold of him and kiss him. He instantly responds back by grabbing my waist and kissing me gently.

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