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"You know, this is nice, all of us hanging out." Ruby said.

"Yeah, you know, Ruby, there actually used to be a time where we couldn't all relax together without a parent calling a-" Maddie got cut off when they heard a gong and Dena and Karen walked into the living room.

"Family meeting!" Karen yelled.

"Yay! It's my first one!" Dena exclaimed. "I banged a gong."

"So I spoke with Dad, and it's official, our house in Wisconsin will be done by the end of the summer!" Karen announced.

"What?" Maddie exclaimed.


"I'm moving home!" Karen beamed to the camera. "But I will be separated from my four kids. Liv will stay in LA for her show. Maddie has SCSU and the basketball team. Joey's going off to college. And my youngest will be in a biodome, studying life on Mars." Karen listed. "Oh, I'll miss Parker, of course, but we did just rebuild the house he leveled, so a year away isn't such a bad idea.


"But I still have the summer in California with my babies. So, we are gonna make this..." Karen pulled a string and a banner fell down that read Summer of Rooney. "The Summer of Rooney!" And Dena banged her gong again.

Parker and Joey looked at each other before standing up and dancing while singing. "Oh, we're doin' the Summer of Rooney!" Suddenly everyone else stood up and joined in. "We're doin' the Summer of Rooney! We're doin' the Summer of Rooney!" Dena banged her gong again.


"Okay, Aunt Dena, we just got the most incredible news!" Maddie beamed as she and Willow ran into the living room.

"Oh, your joyful vibration has me tingling with curiosity." Dena said with a smile.

"Coach said if we do well at summer training camp, we'll both be in the starting lineup this fall!" Willow informed Dena.

"Oh!" Dena exclaimed before the doorbell rang.

Maddie walked over to the door. "I swear, if the Summer of Rooney gets any better, I'm gonna punch someone." Maddie opened the door to reveal Diggie.

"Surprise!" Diggie shouted.

Maddie gasped. "Diggie, you're here a day early!" She then punched him in the shoulder.

"Ow!" Diggie grabbed his shoulder in pain. "Okay, you're punching people, so I know you're in a good mood."

Maddie and Diggie then hugged.


"I'm going to SCSU this fall to pursue my dream of being a sports announcer." Diggie said, that last part in a sports announcer voice, to the camera. "And I get to spend my entire summer with Maddie. With authority!" Diggie again said that last part in his sports announcer voice.

Maddie then walked over to Diggie. "You should stop doing that voice." Maddie told Diggie. "It's really stupid."

"Ooh, rejected." Diggie said, in his sports announcer voice.


As Maddie pulled away from the hug Y/N walked into the house.

"Y/N?" Maddie said as she saw Y/N. "What are you doing here?"

"I moved out here for the summer... to be with Liv." Y/N told her.

True Love || Liv RooneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora