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"Just the two super cool people that I've been waiting for!" Joey beamed as Y/N and Josh walked over to him. "Pick a number between 1 and 10."

"Three!" Josh called out.

"No." Y/N declined.

"Well, the answer was four, so 10 points, Josh!" Joey exclaimed.

"What's happening?" Y/N asked Josh.

"No idea, but I got 10 points." Josh told her with a laugh.

"Well, with Diggie in Australia, I need a cool best friend to shore up my hallway cred." Joey informed them. "So I created a contest. Jo-Jo's New Cool Best Friend." He continued as he pulled the cover off the easle to reveal a cutout of Josh's head and a cutout of Y/N's head. He moved Josh's head up 10 points.

"I'm in!" Josh exclaimed.

"Josh is in. Y/N, he's already up 10 points." Joey said.

"What?" Y/N said, shocked.

"Crushing it already. Whoo!" Josh cheered.

"But Y/N is a super talented musician, so she might write me a theme song..." Joey hinted.

"Oh, no, That's right." Y/N said before turning to Josh. "I got skills. Here comes Jo-Jo. He's my bro-bro." Y/N sang with a smile.

"You know, Josh is super famous, and his enthusiasm is adorable." Joey told them and Y/N's smile faded.

"I'm enthusiastic and adorable." Josh repeated to Y/N. "In your face."

"You mean my super talented face." Y/N corrected Josh. 

"Fighting over me?" Joey asked as he watched Y/N and Josh glare at each other. "That is 10 points each, guys. Finding a cool new best friend for the Jo-Jo is a go-go!" He then moved both of their cutout heads up 10 points as Y/N and Josh continued to glare at each other.


"You excited to watch your interview with Nancy O'Dell?" Y/N asked Liv as she put the bowl of popcorn down and sat on the couch with Liv.

"Yes, I am!" Liv exclaimed as Y/N scooted closer to her. "I'm also really excited that it's just the two of us tonight."

The tablet rang and Liv picked it up to see it was her Dad.

Liv gasped as she answered the call. "Dad!"

"Hey, sweetie!" Pete beamed. "I FaceGabbed, so we could watch your interview together."

"Oh, Dad, that's so sweet!" Liv said with a smile.

"Hey, Mr. Rooney." Y/N greeted as she leaned over Liv's shoulder.

"Y/N's there?" Pete asked angrily. "Put the tablet between you. I want ample separation at all times."

"Okay." Y/N whispered as she scooted away and Liv put the tablet between them. "Amply separated, sir."

Music then played on the TV. Y/N and Liv turned to look at the TV to see that Liv's interview was on.

"Hi, everybody. I'm Nancy O'Dell and we're on the set of Voltage with its sizzling star, Liv Rooney." Nancy O'Dell said, on TV. 

"Hi, everybody!" TV Liv beamed.

Y/N and Liv looked at each other and smiled.

"And we're actually sitting in SkyVolt's clock tower lair." Nancy said.

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