Home Run-A-Rooney

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Liv and Y/N were sitting on the couch at Liv's house. Y/N was teaching Liv how to play the guitar. When Liv strummed a G chord Y/N smiled.

"There you go, that's a G chord." Y/N exclaimed.

Liv gasped and turned to Y/N. "It's our first G chord as a couple!"

"Yep, right after our first bowl of soup as a couple and our first sneeze and gesundheit as a couple." Y/N listed as Liv rested her head on Y/N's shoulder.

"Babe, this is our first recap as a couple!" Liv exclaimed. Y/N smiled at her girlfriend's excitement. "I'm sorry, I'm just really, really excited. it took us so long to get together. I'm just enjoying every sweet, little moment we have together." Liv continued. Y/N smiled again.

"Farewell, Stevens Point." Parker said as he came down the stairs with a bag. "I'm hopping a train. From now on, the boxcar will be my classroom. A-toot, toot!" Parker walked over to the fireplace.

"Should we ask about this?" Y/N asked Liv.

"We're having us time, don't get sucked in." Liv told her.

Y/N watched as Parker opened the fireplace. "Yeah, he just, uh, opened your fireplace. I'm sucked in." Y/N said. She stood up and walked over to Parker. "Yo, Parker. What's up, buddy?"

"Well, I have chosen to live the life of a wandering genius." Parker told her. "Solving crimes and science problems from town to town."

"Wow, I would totally watch that show." Y/N thought and Parker nodded. "But, um, why?"

"Well, Mr. Bell's giving me an F." Parker said, sadly.

"What? How?" Liv asked as she stood up from her spot on the couch. "No one gets an F in Show Choir."

"And I don't wanna be the first." Parker continued. "So, tell Mom I love her. I'm out." Parker was about to crawl into the fireplace before Y/N stopped him.

"Okay, wait. What if Liv and I tutored you?" Y/N asked Parker.

Liv gasped and grabbed Y/N's arm. "Babe, this could be our first talent makeover as a couple!"

Y/N chuckled heartily and grabbed Liv's hands. "Let's get that kid an A, Show Choir style." Y/N and Liv both posed.

"All right, Parker, on the path to mastering Show Choir, there are three P's." Liv told Parker. "What are those three P's, you may ask. Well... Oh, there's a song to help you remember." Y/N and Liv both started snapping. "When you feel-" Liv and Y/N started to sing.

"Stop." Parker cut them off. "Yeah, this isn't gonna work for me if you're just gonna burst into song."

Liv laughed. "I mean, that's king of the point of Show Choir." Liv told him.

"Well, then if you'll excuse me, I need to hop on the 6:15 to Minnetonka." Parker said a he started to walk over to the fireplace.

"Okay, okay, okay." Liv stopped him. "We'll just say it. Ugh. The first P is pizazz." Liv said as Y/N picked up a gold sparkly hat from her guitar case and put it on Parker's head.

"You keep a sparkle hat in your case?" Parker asked Y/N.

Y/N put a hand on Parker's shoulder. "I got an A in Show Choir." She motioned him to be quiet with her hand.

"All right, the second P is precision." Liv told Parker. Liv grabbed Parkers hand and put it in the air while Y/N grabbed Parker's other hand and placed it on his hip. Liv and Y/N both smiled. "And the third P is..."

"Put a sock in it?" Parker asked annoyed.

"No." Liv said as she crossed her arms.

Parker took of the sparkly hat and put it on the table. "Look, I don't do this kind of stuff. I'm a man of science."

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