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At Liv's house Y/N, Andie, Willow, and Liv were all listening to their new song.

"Okay. Yay! Yay! What do we all think of our new song?" Liv asked the group as the song finished. "And before any of you answer, know I totally think we crushed it, and I will very much judge you harshly for not loving it equally."

"I love it, and not just because you threatened me." Willow told Liv. Liv let out a laugh.

"I love it too." Y/N said.  "Oh, and Andie's bass, when she was like..." Y/N mimicked Andies bass sounds.

"Y/N, you're a weirdo." Andie chuckled. "But you're my weirdo." Y/N smiled at Andie.

"Aw." Liv said before Parker walked into the room making airplane and gunfire noises.

"Red team leader! Red team leader! Stay on target! Stay on target!" Parker said as he walked around the room with an airplane and a camera. The group stared at Parker. "Uh... I'm filming a movie here, people. Move it or lose it!"

"Whoa. What's with the super-cool camera?" Liv asked, curious.

"Oh, the student film club is making a movie about evil robots, and I happen to have recently built six." Parker informed them. "So, I let them borrow my robots, and they let me borrow a camera and this super cool Steadicam and vest. I feel like mini Iron Man." Parker continued.

Liv smiled before standing up. "Whoa! I just had a brainsplosion." Liv said making explosion sounds. "We should used Parker and his new super cool camera to help us shoot a music video for our new song!"

Y/N, Andie, and Willow stood up and started to cheer when Liv stopped them.

"No! A multi-media music film experience." Liv backtracked.

"Mmmm." Andie, Y/N, and Willow said as they slowly sat back down.

Liv looked at the groups unphased expressions. "Or we could also just do the first thing. Let's just make a music video!"

The group stood up and started to cheer again.

"We can shoot it in my uncle's old chalk factory." Andie suggested. "He went belly up, but there was a time when, if you played hopscotch in Wisconsin, you used my uncle's chalk." Andie bragged and the group stared at her. "You know what? It's rude to brag."

"Parker, will you film it for us?" Liv asked her brother.

"I'll do it if Andie rebuilds my bike." Parker negotiated.

"Sure, but what happened to it?" Andie questioned.

"Oh, one of my robots tore it apart. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have made all my robots evil." Parker said.


Liv squealed as they all walked into the chalk factory.

"Oh, your uncles factory is so awesome." Liv complimented.

"Let's start talking video ideas." Willow told the group.

"Ready, set, brainstorm." Liv said.

The group each drew their video ideas on their own chalkboard.

"Okay, I have the perfect idea for our video." Willow said excitedly before rolling out her chalkboard. "Extreme water sports. It's The Dream to the extreme!"

"Um... how am I supposed to play the bass on a jet ski?" Andie questioned.

"To the extreme!" Willow replied.

"Is that gonna be your answer for everything?" Y/N asked while leaning on her chalkboard.

"To the extreme!" Willow retorted.

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