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*1 year later and the Rooneys now live in California*

"Dude! I just heard the car!" Maddie exclaimed to Joey as she ran down the stairs.

"Oh, they're home." Joey pointed out.

"Okay, okay. Liv just had throat surgery. Don't act nervous, it's gonna freak her out." Maddie told Joey. "But don't act like, not nervous, because then, you know, that'll make her think we don't care." Maddie continued. "You know what? You can't handle this. You should go."

"Yeah, you're right, I am a mess." Joey agreed before walking into the kitchen.

Karen and Liv walked into the house as Maddie turned around.

"Hey, how did it go?" Maddie asked, concerned.

"She can't speak yet, but the doctor said the surgery went very well." Karen answered. 


"Having surgery on my vocal nodes was the scariest day of my entire life. And after a few weeks, I was allowed to talk again. And then the long road to recovery began." Liv told the camera sadly.


Liv and Karen sat at the kitchen table and Liv had straws in her mouth and she was groaning.

Joey walked into the kitchen. "Seriously? When I do this with chopsticks at a restaurant, you make me go sit in the car." Joey said, angrily.

"This is an exercise to strengthen Liv's vocal cords." Karen informed Joey and Liv started to groan again.


"It was weeks and weeks of really hard work, and I still had no idea if I'd ever be able to sing again. The doctor said that there was no guarantee that my voice would ever be the same." Liv continued to the camera.


Karen and Joey walked outside into the backyard to tell Liv something.

"Liv, we have exciting news." Karen said with a smile. "But the doctor says you should not strain your voice, so I brought Joey here to squeal for you."

Joey chuckled. "My high-pitched birdy voice is finally useful."

"What's going on?" Liv asked.

"Some producers want to meet with you about starring in a Broadway musical!" Karen announced.

Joey squealed as Liv's jaw dropped.

"Wait, Broadway? That's my dream." Liv said excitedly. "I don't even know if I can sing yet."

"The doctor says you are ready to try to sing." Karen told her. "So I scheduled a session for you with Tracy Okahatchee."

Liv smiled again and Joey started to squeal.

"See, I don't even know who Tracy Okahatchee is, but it sounds super exciting." Joey exclaimed.

"Tracy Okahatchee is the top vocal coach in the world." Liv explained. "I guess it's time for me to try to sing again. I'm gonna sing again!" 

Joey then started to squeal.


True Love || Liv RooneyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon