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"Oh! Hey, Andie." Liv greeted once she saw Andie approach her. "I have a prezzie for you." Liv reached into her locker and pulled out a bejeweled welding mask.

"No way. A bejeweled welding mask." Andie said as she took the mask. "This'll go great with the bejeweled blowtorch you gave me last month."

"I know." Liv said as she clapped her hands.

"I can't wait to show Y/N." Andie smiled.


"Y/N. You know, the girl I secretly like and was about to ask out but Andie asked her first because she didn't know I liked her and now I have to avoid her because she's dating my friend and everytime I see her I get the crushies?" Liv blabbed to the camera before letting out a laugh. "That Y/N."


"Liv, we haven't hung out much lately. Do you wanna go mini-golfing after school?" Andie asked.

"Oh. I don't really know about that. I only spend time with people who have bejeweled welding masks." Liv said.

Andie smiled and lifted up her welding mask. "I have one of those."

Liv clapped and gave Andie a hug.

"Hey, Andie. Hey, Liv." Y/N said as she walked over to the two girls and put an arm around Andies waist.

"Hey, Y/N." Liv said while fiddling with her fingers.

"Liv's going mini-golfing with us after school." Andie told Y/N.

"Oh, awesome." Y/N smiled.

"Oh." Liv said with a fake laugh. "We're going with Y/N."

"Wait till you see how amazing she is." Andie bragged.

Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. "You're amazing."

"No, you are." Andie argued.

"No, you're amazing." Y/N retorted.

"Stop." Andie said as she nuzzled her nose against Y/N's. 

Maddie then walked over to her locker and listened in on the conversation.

"Oh. Wow, I just realized, you know, I have, um, I have stuff to do after school." Liv lied.

Y/N and Andie nodded.

"And I also have... things." Liv lied again.

"Aw, well, that's a bummer, but okay." Andie said.

"Definitely another time." Y/N told Liv.

"Okay." Liv said.

"When you're done with you 'things'." Y/N said before grabbing Andies hand and walking away.

Liv laughed awkwardly as she watched them walk away. "Don't forget the stuff." Liv called out.

"Crushies?" Maddie asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Liv said.

"Okay." Maddie responded. "Three, two, one."

"Of course I've got the crushies, Maddie." Liv shouted and Maddie smiled. "I mean it happens every single time I'm around Y/N. And I wanna hang out with Andie. She's just..." Liv chuckled. "She's always with her. I don't know. What do I do?"

"Liv, I think until you get over your feelings for Y/N, you just need to find something you and Andie can do without her, you know?" Maddie advised.

"What up, my twins?" Willow greeted as she rounded the corner. She gave Maddie a chest bump and gave air kisses to Liv. "Who wants to join me in the Battle..."

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