Danse: Now that's cheating; you cant use a knife

John: Watch me

Time update: 5:21 PM

Danse: The last floor I'm at 25

John: Because your slow ass is stealing kills

Danse: No rule aginst it

Detected sound "Gunshot."

John: 22

Callie: you boys are cooking tonight 34

Danse: Damn it

Callie: Last one...35. Suck it

John: Can you even cook tin can?

Danse: I can't believe I lost to the both of you

Callie: final count? 35

John: 29

Danse: 26

Callie: I told you neither would beat me...oh and look, here's that stupid magnet Ingram wanted. Now just need to find a place to camp so Danse can get to work.

Recording process terminated

Ending log

Journal Title: Need to teach him how to cook

September 18

I really need to spend some time teaching Danse how to cook, because holy shit. I mean, I know we're not working with the best ingredients, but how do you burn mac and cheese? John just sat there rolling with laughter as Danse tried to put the fire out. His bivouac was really decent, but his cooking ability? Yeah no.

The job was fun, though. After we got back, she said she would radio if she needed more help but for now? That was it. More free time, yay!...booo. It's weird. I think I'm used to being busy because now I hate free time. Is it wrong that I'm actually hoping the Institute tries to pull something? I'm only hoping because it would give me something significant to do.

Danse and John really enjoyed that "game", though, said next time the three of us are together, they want to do it again when we clear out another mutie location. I mean, hell yes, but they will just lose again. It's only been a week, but I heard Curie is doing well. She says she's much happier than she's ever been but learning to cope with emotions and how they physically feel has been a challenge. I wish I could say they get easier, but they really don't. Emotions and how they affect a person suck. Hell, I'm human, and even I don't know how to process emotions most of the time, no one does.

You know what? Finding things on my own to do is killing me; I think I'm going to do this raider hunting run I heard on the minutemen station, then hit up nick and see if he has anything he needs help with. That man is always getting himself into trouble, and who knows, it might be fun.

Journal title: I own what now?

Sept 21st.

Short-ish entry here because I'm at a bit of a loss. So the raider hunting for the settlement ended with an odd surprise. Ah, first, Valentine did have a job for me he needed help with, so he's with us.

The group we were hunting was an entire raider gang of ghouls. They called this quarry that was just infested with radiation barrels home. As we worked through and cleared it out, we went back around and ended up finding this fucking vault at the very bottom of the quarry. The door was fine, and as I tried to hook the pipboy up to open it, a voice came over the PA system. Some chick saying how we should leave as it was useless. It was only her in there, and just past the check-in was a collapse, so there was no way deeper into the vault.

Like hell, there was no way. That settlement we did the job for just so happened to be one of our biggest worker robot producers. It only took a day to get a handful of them down here to clear the rubble. Robots make the world go round. They really do.

Inside was, sure as shit, a lone woman and a totally unfinished vault. Like the only thing that was built was the check-in area. She thanked us for the help, said fuck vault tec and told us the now non-existent vault was ours. What the fuck am I going to do with a vault?

John pointed out that I HAD been looking for a new place but yea, not this aha. And I mean hell, if I was going to do anything with this, I'd need way more worker bots than I have here now. I think this will be a case of leaving it and worrying about it later.

Journal Title: Been a while

October 2

Wow, 12 days without an update. Haven't forgotten to write like that for ...man a long time. Quite a bit has happened, and John, Nick and I are currently on our way back to the commonwealth...Let me explain.

The job Nick wanted help with was tracking down this family's missing daughter...all easy, right? Well no. See, it took a bit, but we finally reached the Nakaon house where they said that their daughter had run off to some rinky-dink island called far harbour because it's supposed to have some sanctuary there for runaway synths...which she thinks...thought she was. I thought the commonwealth was a hell hole when I thawed out but wow.

The children of atom call the place home, and were at war with this synth, another prototype like Nick that ran the synth sanctuary. This "war" was affecting the people that lived there. Neither group were "saints" choosing to help one was a losing game. Either way, the people who were not involved with either side would suffer. However, Nick begged us to help the synths as they were the lesser of two evils.

We blew up a sub...found out DIMA(the synths name) had a plant in the main town as a means to keep control and "protect the synths", and the Nakano's girl eventually came to terms with that she was not, in fact, a synth and just had some mental problems that were not being dealt with(again no surprise, mental health help is not a thing nowadays), Oh and we pretty much wiped out the children of atom here. I can't wait to get off this island.

What makes all of this worse is the island is out of range of the transmitter in the wealth' so we haven't been in contact with anyone...oh boy, Maxson and Preston are probably going to be pissed!

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