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Journal title: Fucking raiders

December 31

Jesus Christ, my fucking leg. Hancock and I are currently held up in Boylston Club a few hours from the third beacon location Jake wants me to place. Raiders came in behind us and got a few good hits off. It might be time to upgrade from my trusty padded leather armor because the shot went right through my left shin.

I'm glad that piece of turkey bacon is so good in a fight. I was reduced to using just my pistol till we could find a place to patch me up. He handled it well was practically glued to my side. It was kind of terrifying, to be honest. The look in his eye as he danced around me and the street keeping raiders back and putting them down. When one would get too close, he would shoot the 'em with a shotgun then run and slice his throat, all without batting an eye. Him yelling

"Oh I'm feral now."

That is really what scared me as he went after a raider who downed Dogmeat. Ghouls are strong, Ferals are a bit stronger, but Hancock? From what I've seen, he's like the worst of both. Remember how I said I didn't want to fight a super mutant one-on-one? Yea. I have; it was pretty easy; they are rather slow thanks to their size. I'm rehashing that sentiment for Hancock. Taking him along because of how he is was a bad idea, but I'm glad I did because it means I'm not on his bad side.

No one walked away from that ambush, lucky, though. Turkey Bacon got pistol-whipped by a raider... how he is still standing, I'll never know, and DogMeat got shot a few times. We've been at Boylston club for about 30 minutes now, and the stimpacks are starting to do their job. My leg is healing, and so is Dogmeat. Fucking Turkey Bacon and his ghoul abilities; he is already healed up. That's not fair.

Audio Recording 1/1/2288


Program running

Time: 8:00 AM

Detected voices: Hancock, John. Gibson, Callie

John: Why won't you go into the subway? You want to do the job for Jake, right? Come on, princess, move your ass.

8:10 AM John: Now we're playing the silent game? Great, Ballie, we arrived YESTERDAY before sundown. We could have been in and out and on our way back by now. What's the problem

Callie: I... cant... cant

John: And why can't you? It's just an old metro. We tore through ferals and raiders on our way here, and you didn't bat an eye. Even a feral child charging you didn't cause you to flinch

Callie: H-Hancock... I cant... go alone... I-I'll be here

8:45 AM sound detected "sobbing."

John: All right, shit. Here take this and tell ol' Hancock what's the matter

John: Jet helping? Good now come on, talk to me

9:04 AM John: Quite again? Fine. I'll leave you here and tell Jake you chickened out

John: Normally, I wouldn't mind you touching me but loosen the grip, princess. Look, how about this. Less than an hour. We'll be in and out in less than an hour.

Callie: ... swear it. L-less than an hour

John: You have the Mayor's word, now come on.

9:40 AM sound detected "gunfire."

John: Still with me, Ballie?

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