The fun never lasts

Start from the beginning

John: oh, get off your high horse. You're no better

Callie: I am too! About emotions and my history, no, but I have a law degree! I can talk my way out of anything

John: I know. Come here

Callie: Oh god, no more rambling, please. THAT will kill me

John: Fuck off... Are we good?

Callie: yes, we're good. You know you're my Mr Mayor, and I'm your Misses General.

John: first and foremost? Yes, but I'm good at sharing, thankfully

Callie: What do you mean?

John: Well... Mags... and Jake sure as shit has a crush on you.

Callie: What? NO.. no, Jake does not... we're not touching that right now... NOPE. Oh, before you barged in, I was on my way to ACTUALLY do that job for kent. He wants me to get a silver shroud costume and larp it. Want to join me?

John: that sounds... know what of course

Recording process terminated

Ending log

Journal Title: Stop right THERE! CRIMINAL SCUM

May 5

I'm having way too much fun pretending to be the silver shroud for Kent. Well... Kind of, John came with me when I got the costume, and we found not only the Silver Shroud's outfit but also his partners, the 'MISTRESS OF MYSTERIES!" ahaha. I put the mistress costume on at the shop, and John said

"Yea, that's it, I'll be the Silver shroud, and you be the drop-dead gorgeous Mistress."

I could barely keep him off of me as we made our way back to GoodNeighbor, like. John... Honey raiders, ferals and muties are still a thing; control your dick.

Kent has us DELIVERING JUSTICE to EVIL CITIZENS aha. Ahhh, I can't keep a straight face. John not, not the biggest fan of the sliver shroud, has no clue what he's doing. But it's fun. He had us track down and kill a rapist, a child murderer... You know the kinds that even normal people in the commonwealth look down upon. It was a win-win situation. We get to relax and have some fun, and GoodNeighbor gets cleaned up a bit more. OH! He's calling again.

Journal title: God fucking damn it.

May 7

Why must the good times end? So on the last job for Kent, we found that all the people we went after worked for the same man. A man John has had issues with before. And this guy isn't happy we've been taking out his people left and right. So the next goal now is to track down his two "advisors" and kill them in an attempt to "draw him out" so we can stop the beast at the top of the line so to speak.

The problem is, Sinjin is a pussy and keeps his advisors on a tight leash, so no one knows where they are, only where they've been... But I happen to know the best detective in the commonwealth. I called around a few settlements and finally found him at Tenpines, closing a case he was on. He said

"Tracking the advisors of a major gang member? Sign me up; that's a walk in the park"

Update: tracking them was easy... A bit too easy, as Valentine Pointed out. But it was soon clear why. On the last target, we found a holotape... Sinjin... Wants... this was bait. I'm going to call in a Vertibird so we can get back asap.

Journal title: I... I couldn't save you.

Its the 10th

Um, we weren't.... I wasn't fast or strong enough to save you.

We're taking his... him back with us to bury him.

I'm sorry, Kent... I wasn't fast enough.

John is handling it about as well as I am...If not worse. The rage in him... I've never seen him that mad before. He's usually very good at keeping his emotions in check, but when Sinjin blew Kent's brains out... the world just... stopped.

When I came back to my senses, the shot still ringing slightly in my ears, I saw John straddling Sinjins body. His fists pounded over and over and over into what was left of the man's head, all the while not caring that a tooth was embedded in his knuckle. The other raiders just fucking booked it as Dogmeat chased them, biting at their heals. Was I... Was I wrong about how ghouls become feral? Was there more than one way it could happen?

Just the... Pure unadulterated rage plastered on John's face.... Oh god... I, against my better judgment, went over to... I don't know to stop him, but he was growling as he just kept punching the pulp that used to be human; at that moment, there was nothing human behind his eyes. That little voice in the back of my head was screaming to run, just to leave him, but I couldn't, not after everything. I don't know if I moved too fast and spooked him or what, but the second I touched his shoulder... John, you cracked one of my ribs when you pounced from Sinjin to me.

He tried to bite me and just kept letting out this inhuman grow as I grabbed his face in my hands, pressing my forehead to his. I let him pound away at my side, the only thing he could pouch from how I was holding him. I repeated the same thing over and over as he wailed on me.

"Come back to your Princess. It's okay; I'm right here" I was going to bring him back from...this, or he was going to kill me.... But he... you didn't.

You came back as a fist came up to whack me in the head; he froze just long enough, finally getting a good look at me. When he did, he scrambled off, skirting through the bloody pulp that was Sinjin. When I stood, grabbing my side he... oh John, he started to cry. I think from realizing what he had done.

Kent was one of his first true friends, and I think... I know his death broke something in John. But he's more stubborn than I am; he'll come back from this.

Journal title: Blow off some steam

May 13

Everyone knew what had happened, and as we got back to town, Kent's body in tow, we were greeted by everyone at the gate. A few broke down crying when they saw the body. It was... A nice service. John and I wore the costumes, and we blasted the silver shroud show for him. I even called Sturges to see if he could come out and rig Kents set up to play all the shows he had on a loop in his memory.

John avoided me for a few days, not wanting to deal with what he did. But I'm not angry, I eventually found him in his office just staring out the window, still wearing the clothing from that day and a dozen cigarette butts tossed about the floor around him. I crossed the distance, wrapped my arms around him an hugged him tightly. He cried for a while before turning, so we were front to front, his arms making their way around my neck.

"Hows the rib?"

He asked, refusing to meet my gaze. It was fine; the crack didn't go all the way through and is healing nicely. As I led him to the couch, I asked if he wanted to blow off some steam... really stick it to some raiders. His eyes finally lit up as he said yes.

See, I've been talking to Piper the last few days, asking what she knew of Nuka world. I had heard the place was overrun with raiders, but I just wanted to confirm. When I explained this, John was all too ready to go, but I needed to make sure things would be handled here first. And get the okay from Elder Maxson as I've no clue how long we will be gone. And right now, Elder Maxson is kind of peeved with me. Apparently, word of how his men treated mine during the "war" spread, and he wasn't too pleased they

"treated those creatures as human."

I count it as a win, though. At least 40% of the brotherhood members are now on mine and Pipers side, a bit more on the down-low than before, but that's okay. 

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