Mistakes make friends

Start from the beginning

"You purr," Mag's said with a smile, digging out a clean dress from the dresser. "The Rex, if you didn't know, has a working shower; not everyone can use it though, just tell Clair you're a special friend of mine. She'll let you use it then."

I usually have a comeback, but I just stuttered and mumbled incoherently, only managing an

"Ohh...Thank you, Mags."

As I was about to leave, my cheeks still flushed, she stopped me.

"My first love will always be the stage, darling, but please visit me any time; that was the best night I've had in a while."

I said, "It's a date, Mags," and I left the room. I-I oh boy, writing usually helps, but this did NOT HELP... Like... At all. God Damn, it's going to be hard to dig in this headspace.

Journal title: Day of the Big Dig

Today is December 12 (the dig date got pushed back a few days which is fine). I would be lying if I didn't say that mags spent the night with me every extra night I spent in town. There was a bit of an issue; she and I were in the VIP room the other night when Mayor Hancock came down; he saw Mag's hand on my thigh and gave us a look said

"Hey, there mags, making our guest comfortable I see? Be careful... what was your name? Ballie?"


"Ballie, she's a heart breaker. Why are you still in town, by the way? Most people leave as soon as they can."

I went on to tell him how I managed to find some more work, n he warned me to be careful around Bobby that I shouldn't trust her. Making a note of that the three of us spent the evening chatting, I got the feeling that Mag's and Hancock used to be an item... Though finding out, he was a, as he called it, "a lady killer," I had to wonder if their relationship was serious. Probably not, and I don't care to be honest. Mags is just providing me with some much-needed escapism.

But I'm not here to write about that now. I'm here to write about the "BIG DIG" I will be writing as much as I can whenever I can because none of my friends were free enough to make the trip over here in time. Twenty things of buffjet and three packs of smokes should...probably won't be enough, but what can I do? I signed up for this... let's get this show on the road.

Update one... It's a tight cave...a really tight cave, I... we um okay. We busted through the wall in-in Bobbies basement, and it led into a large cavern that was-that was fine. But the um cavern it... it got small really small. Just think... think of all the mirelurk meals you can cook now just- just think of food.

Update two. Subway station... more open. We've... we've been at this about um... about an hour now its... it's getting hot and becoming hard to think.

Update 3 sub-pump room I-I can deal with that, Mel and I agree something is wrong, but we're... too... we're too deep now. I'm burning through my buffjet

B-b-bobby says this is um last room I... out... need

Update four. I know anger, anger I can deal with. Anger is rational. What the ever-loving fuck Bobby, I wish I could bring you back and do it again, you fucking bitch! This was NOT the diamond city stronghold. Recount, Callie, recount, and breathe... okay. While we were in the last room, I took my last Buffjet and as soon as I heard the explosion from Mel's robot, I ran ahead, not listening as Bobby and Mel screamed for me to wait. I entered a back room. The space was ample... my breathing finally slowing thanks to the chem and no longer being in the small space. After a few seconds, Bobby and Mel joined me in the room. All great, right? Caps are just on the other side of that door, right? NOPE

We get through the door, and guess who is standing right there?? FUCKING FAHRENHEIT! You know... HANCOCK'S RIGHT-HAND GAL. I guess he had a suspicion the whole time about Bobby's job and was just warning me the other night. But Bobby didn't tell Mel or me because she probably knew we'd back the fuck out.

Fahr said we could just leave and that if we did, Hancock wouldn't be too mad at us because we legit didn't know. I... what happened next I just saw red before I realized it my combat shotgun was in my hands I didn't hesitate I just pulled the trigger as fast as I could, her head exploded into a mist of bone and brain fragments. Mel just turns to face me and says

"Remind me to never piss you off, Fhar tell the Mayor I'm sorry and hello" before he ran off. I picked a piece of Bobbie's brain off of my jacket and flicked it to the floor, telling Fhar I would see Hancock later I needed a shower first.

Journal title: You want to... what?

Today is December 20. I had planned on seeing Mayor Hancock sooner, but Starlight is a good 2-day walk there and two days back to Good Neighbor. We managed to get a small... super small water treatment site up and running at Starlight, but the most recent raider attack, the holding tub, got shot and cracked, eventually breaking from the pressure of the water. The flooding was fun to deal with. We also managed to get some apartments built so Starlight can hold more people; we will have to build them at Tenpines. But back to the Mayor.

So I get to town and head right to the statehouse, where Fahr gives me a smug look before saying.

"Took your time getting back here, huh? Hancock will see you."

I thought he was just going to shoot me. I mean, I've turned into a scary bitch; raiders that have heard of me turn tail and run when they see me. So not much scares me now, but the Mayor? Him? He scares me. I'm going to try to recount the conversation as best I can.

Hancock: "New girl in my town had enough balls to not only work with bobby but break into my warehouse. Of all the places in the commonwealth, you broke into mine. And after I personally welcome you to my town, tisk tisk."

There wasn't a hint of emotion behind those black eyes of his. I felt like a child being scolded by a teacher. I blurted out the only thing I could think of

"I am so so fucking sorry. I asked her repeatedly if she was SURE it was Diamond city, and she swore up and down it was. And my Pipboy map didn't work well that far underground, and I was too panicked to notice or hardly care."

Hancock: "Now now, you said you didn't know I believe you, and you did the right thing by putting her down for me, saved me the trouble."

Me: "Also sorry for depriving you of the pleasure."

Hancock: "I like the tease, so it's all right" As he said that, he had this wolfish grin on his face, "If you still feel bad about slighting ol' me, I know of a way to fix it."

Now, Callie, never say "Sure Anything!" as a response to a man like that because... His grin... if possible got larger, and he responded

"GREAT! When are you leaving town? Because I'm coming wit' cha' and you're not allowed to protest. If you do I'll gag you and handcuff myself to you so you have no choice."

I just sat there, my jaw on the floor. I... I almost robbed you... of all people, and you want to come with me? I... how does your brain work?!? I... whatever, so I'm currently sitting by the gate waiting for him as he finishes up whatever he has to do... this is going to be a nightmare.

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