The Dark One (Part 3)

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Hope made a string of illusions, the light in the room taking the form of something, and when it was finished she stepped back, smiling. A Christmas tree. Since it was winter she assumed Christmas was either soon or already happened.

She knew better than to try and put one somewhere else around the castle so she just made a small one in the corner of her cell next to her bed.

It felt good to practice her magic, now all she really used it for was to start fires and light things.

Small ribbons of red and gold light whizzed around the tree, circling it, the star glowing brightly.

Her celldoor was never locked anymore, one of the bonuses of what little trust she had gained from the Dark One, but she still missed her family.

Change Of View

Freya stood in front of a red and gold coffin, supposedly containing the most powerful god and she held the key in her hand.

The one she ripped the key out of had told her that whoever opened it would be granted his boon. A god against the living embodiment of dark magic. That is a fight she would pay to see.

Slipping the key into the lock she felt the magic lock onto the key, and several gears inside turned and it opened.

She grunted as she managed to push it open, a white light nearly blinding her, and when it died down, the god inside opened his eyes.

"You are either brave or stupid," He told her, sitting up, his golden armor clinking.

"Don't know why you're saying that. I just released you from your centuries of imprisonment. And if anything we can help each other."

"And how is that, little witch?"

"This world has forgotten the gods. They're not the most powerful beings in the world anymore. But someone else claims that title."

"Then tell me his name so that I may smite him," Ken growled.

"You owe me a boon," Freya reminded him,"I tell you his name, and I want something in return."

Ken glared at the witch for several moments before nodding,"Very well."

"There will be a girl with him called Hope Mikaelson. He's had her imprisoned for several months, when you kill him. I want you to return her to me. That's all I ask, nothing more. Then you're free to conquer the whole world if you want it."

"Your boon shall be granted. Now tell me this false god's name."

"His mortal name is Mieczysław. But he is called the Dark One."

Change Of View

Stiles was at the top of the tower, the snow on the window making darkness, standing at a tall desk, he struck a long match, and he brought the flickering flame to a large candle, lighting it.

"It's been a thousand years, Father," Stiles mumbled,"I hope you won't be too disappointed when I go to hell."

"Hey, there you are," Hope said, coming up the stairs,"Have you ever thought about investing in indoor plumbing? Because I'm not a big fan of using the chamberpot."

Stiles glared at her,"Go away," He said, blowing out the candle.

Hope remembered what her aunt had told her of some old traditions. Someone would light a candle on the anniversary of someone's death. A remembrance.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that you were..." She trailed off,"Who were they?"

Stiles debated whether or not he should tell her, but he didn't see the harm in it,"My father. It's been a thousand years but I still remember finding his body."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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