Unknown Child (Part 2)

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"We gotta talk about this, Hope," Stiles said as Hayley fell asleep on the couch, Lucifer had reluctantly left, but just for the night.

"I'd rather no," Hope replied.

"You let me miss her birth," Stiles said, his anger starting to rise,"I missed everything, because you chose not to tell me about her."

"She is my baby!" Hope growled, her eyes showing their Tribrid form,"Mine! You can't just take her from me."

Stiles grabbed her arm and black veins trailed up his arm as his eyes glowed orange, and she felt her anger start to disappear, no not disappear, taken by Stiles.

"What did you do?" Hope said, looking at Stiles in confusion, trying to muster up some sort of rage at him but she couldn't find any.

"Keeping you calm so our daughter can stay asleep," Stiles said, looking pointedly in her direction.

Hope swallowed, looking at him with a new perspective.

"I don't want to fight over her," Stiles said,"But I am her father. I should be a part of her life."

"I want that too," Hope muttered.

Time Skip

Stiles moved to Mystic Falls so he could be closer to Hayley, and now she spends Tuesdays, Thursdays, and every other weekend with him. Hope would often visit when Hayley was with Stiles, tonight was one of those nights.

When Hope walked through the door she was immediately met with the sight of Stiles' bare chest, making her eyes widen.

He had certainly grown up in all the right places since they were kids, every time he moved it flexed a muscle in his chest that she didn't know existed.

"Hayley's in bed," Stiles said, glancing in her direction.

"O-Okay," Hope said, tearing her eyes away from him, and heading to their daughter's room.

Hayley smiled sleepily at her mother.

"Hey, little bug," Hope said, laying down next to her and pulling her close,"Did you brush your teeth?"

Hayley nodded,"Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Of course," Hope replied, looking down at her.

"Did you ever love Dad?" Hayley asked, making Hope pause.

"In a way," Hope answered honestly,"I loved him like a friend, but not really how Aunt Freya and Keelin do."

"Why?" Hayley asked, her whiskey brown eyes pleading for an answer.

"I don't know really," Hope said,"Just never felt that way. Why are you asking me that?"

"I think he might love you," Hayley whispered, making Hope freeze.

"What?" Hope said, but Hayley's breathing turned into soft snores.

Hope let out a frustrated huff, gently setting her head down and walking quietly around the room.

"She asleep?" Stiles asked, still shirtless and Hope didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Yeah," Hope replied, trying to keep her eyes on his face.

"Want a drink?" Stiles offered, reaching under the island of the kitchen and pulling out two whiskey glasses.

"Why not," Hope said, sitting down at a bar stool as Stiles turned away from her to get the bottle of whiskey from the locked cupboard.

Hope's eyes widened when she saw his back, and she stood,"What is that?" Hope asked hesitantly.

Stiles leaned his hands on the counter, a deep breath released from his lungs, already knowing what she was talking about,"It's where I cut my wings off. Half angel, remember?"

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