It's now time to go downstairs and I take in a deep breath to calm down the nerves. Isla is behind me "hyping me up" as she likes to call it and telling me that I've got this.

I pass by Elias's room and I see that he is not home. I send him a quick text , checking on him before I head downstairs.

I keep my eyes on my footing the entire time, just in case. Once I'm on the last step, I look up to see Atlas dressed in a white button up with a few of the buttons undone. He has on a thin chain necklace and a few rings adorn his fingers.

His sleeves are rolled up a bit, giving me a peek at the tattoos covering his arms. I take him in and I almost drool.

" You look handsome " I say with a smile

" You look painstakingly beautiful Serena. "

" Alright you two , I'm leaving to go get Jax and I some dinner. Atlas take care of my baby, or I swear to you I will gauge your eyeballs out with a fork and make you eat them " Isla says while pointing a finger towards Atlas.

He looks at me a bit nervously before nodding.

He opens the door for me and holds his hand out to walk me to a car that I do not recognize but it is a really nice sleek black car. 

I assume that he's gotten an Uber for us as he opens the back passenger door for me.

" Hello , my name is Jeremy and I will be your driver tonight. We will arrive at the Waterside Restaurant in about twenty minutes. " he says with a smile.

Jeremy seems to be in his late 50s , and has a picture of what I assume to be his wife in the car.

I look at Atlas and smile as he grabs my hand. I've never been to the Waterside , but it's an outdoor/indoor restaurant right by the ocean. It is usually very busy therefore hard to get into.

The drive was beautiful and my nerves have calmed down as the atmosphere is light and Atlas himself makes the anxiety disappear.

Soon, the busy restaurant comes into view and Jeremy parks before looking in his rear view mirror.

" Here we are! You to have a wonderful time " he says with a smile.

We both thank Jeremy before Atlas opens my door for me. We walk hand in hand towards the restaurant and soon I can hear the chatter of people as well as the waves crashing into the sand.

" Hello! Welcome to the Waterside , do you have a reservation? " a lady asks as we walk in.

" Yes ma'am , under Pierce " Atlas says

" Pierce? As in John Pierce real estate tycoon? she says wide eyed

" That is my father , yes ma'am " Atlas says

" Wow! Right this way please " she says

I smile at the lady as Atlas looks a bit uncomfortable at the mention of his father. She leads us through the restaurant and I almost trip since my eyes are glued to the beautiful architecture.

She sets out two menus on a table on the balcony by the water. The lights are dimmed and it gives off a cozy yet romantic feeling. The breeze from the ocean is perfect since it is a bit muggy outside.

" So let me explain " Atlas says pulling a chair out for me

" My name is Atlas Pierce. My father built and owns Pierce Real Estates and has done so for over twenty years. I am in college for business so that I can take over his role. " Atlas says while looking into my eyes.

" Wow! I had no idea , that's amazing Atlas. I'm sure you're making your family very proud. " I say with a smile.

He grabs my hand and gives it a kiss , before a waiter comes up to us.

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