part 12

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Mirabel walked back to the hut. She entered and the family glare. She entered her room and got a roll of leather, a dagger and her needle and thred. She cut peices of the leather roll and made a bag out of jt. She smiled at ber work, it was sturdy for five minutes if work. She put jt in and adjusted it to be like her one at encanto. She ran out and threw the door open behind her. She ran through the tribe and got to the beach to see ahuna being yelled at by Tui. "I don't love moana!" He exclaimed "I will never marry her!"He made his decision "then grt out for disobeying orders" he stared shocked and worried. Mirabel walked forward and stood by him "cmon ahuna let's pack" she pulled him away and they stared shocked" wh where can we go!?" He asked and she looked to the crowd "your gonna meet mi familia"she smirked and he stared amazed. They ran back and packed." M mirabel you can't leave!" Moana exclaimed as she entered. Mirabel glowered at her." I Can and I will" she threw her clothes into her bag and saw the small toy on the shelf. She got it and placed it in her bag. She put her thread and needle then the blanket she made. She got spare cloth and some food then a water purifier. She walked past her friend and then past the table and chairs. She exited the house and walked down the path, the tribe was being built still. She got to the beach where ahuna was with a bag and there was a crowd. Mirabel threw her bag intk the lower ares of the boat and ahuna copied. He got kn the boat and mirabel pushed it into the water. She jumped on and saw the saddened face of the tribe as she glared. "Cmon lets go" she got the rope and pulled the sail down. She sped the boat up as a strong breeze pushed them faster aswell. Ahuna held the wood and mirabel laughed softly. She slowed down when the island wasn't in sight and sat with her friend. "How far is jt?" He asked mirabel looked in the direction. " we'll be there in two days"  she said and got a coconut. She got her dagger and cut it open. The water moved in the bowl. She gave one to him, he drank it and they placed them away mirabel got up and grabbed an oar and turned the boat. She sped the boat up as it rode the clear blue water. Mirabel felt the water as it went by fast. She tasted the water." Salt water. We have a few miles to go" she said and smiled seeing the turtle. She climbed the pole and squatted at the top trying to spot the image infront of them. She squinted and was shocked! It was a boat and it was sunken? She slowed the boat and stopped by it "are we there?" Ahuna asked"no but how did this sink?" She crouched at the side of her boat."I'm gonna check it out" she jumped in with a splash, she swam down and entered the sunken ship. She looked around, it had weird things in it. It had weird tanks with the word "oxeegon" she read when something swam by the boat. She turned around and swam towards the exit. She stuck her head out then quickly pulled back as a tiger shark lunged for her. Ahuna saw and got a spear. Mirabel needed to breath soon. She swam to the tank "we breath oxygen so maybe" she thought grabbing the mask and putting it kn he face, she turned the handle and took deep breath as the air filled her burning lungs and her vision un-blurred. She never knew her vision had blurred. She swam to the exit again and saw the shark. It was circling the boat, she wouldn't be able tk make it. She watched as a fish swam by. The shark swam and ate it. She smiled and swam to the boats storage, she fumble through it until she saw a net. She git an idea."Sorry fish" she thought as she swam to a side window. She threw the net over some fish. She pulled it before the shark could get it. She grabbed the fish. She apologised before throwing it out, the shark chased it and mirabel swam to the boat. She was pulled up. She coughed up water and ahuna got his shirt and threw it around her. He sped the boat up as mirabel clung to the pole. She watched as the sun set slowly. She smiled at ahuna and stated at his chest. She felt her face heat up. She looked away blushing, she layed down as her body ached her to. She passed out.

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