part 5

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Mirabel woke up to moana shaking her awake "CMON!" Mirabel laughed and pulled her onto the bed, they both laughed and got up. Moana left so mirabel can change. She brushed her hair and decided to leave the flower crown to have her hair down. She walked out the room" morning dear" sina passed her breakfast. They all sat down. Mirabel finished first. "Hungry much?" Chief Tui asked laughing, mirabel wiped her mouth and smiled awkwardly" it's just so good" she exclaimed " thanks" sina said and they left for the day, mirabel fixed people's clothes and got a hug for it. " honestly what you did for the coconut was amazing" moana elbows her gently" thanks" mirabel chuckled. "TAG!" Moana ran off!"HEY!" Mirabel shouted chasing her, she saw moana had stopped and someone talking to her." We're running out of fish chief" the man said worriedly. " the bait isn't working" a woman said, mirabel got an idea! She learned fish enjoy worms so she found some." Can I try something?" They nodded, she threw them into the barrels and they set off.

People waited for them to return, " IT WAS AMAZING!" They exclaim, their barrels full of different types off fish! "There's so many fish!" They smile. "Thank you" they go." Good job mirabel" sina says" moana taught me that fish like it, I just did what she taught me" she explains " well Good job tk both of you" Tui says and the girls run off. They run home after a few hours since it was dark out. The walked through the trees having ran far away, it was dark now and difficult to see. " goddammit"  moana said grabbing mirabels hand. Mirabel led them through the woods when they heard a meow? They followed it and it got desperate. Mirabel gasped " what is it?" Moana asked, mirabel let go of her hand to pick something up. She grabbed moana's hand and dragged her along. She got to the hut, moana's parents were out tonight" mirabel why do you have a baby jaguar?" Moana asked," its hurt" mirabel said and got some cloth to clean the injury." Mirabel it's a wild animal!" Moana exclaimed " it's a baby wild animal and it needs help!" She said snapping. Moana jumped a little, mirabel put a custom made bandage around the injury to its stomach, " they aren't gonna be happy about this" moana said leaning against the doorway " I don't care" mirabel said as she helped the kitten drink, she had given it water but it needed milk." Girls" sina called, moana left and mirabel was called, she carried the animal the family stared"it was calling for ages the mother wasn't coming, I felt bad" she said, the animal purred" its a wild animal mirabel" Chief tui said, she glared "and its a cub without a mother!" She snapped, they jumped she never snapped." You let moana keep a pig and a chicken!"She said, the animals looked at them."they aren't carnivores" sina argued " a pig can and has eaten an entire human, a chicken if aggravated will attack and has been known to kill humans" they were out of arguments" I'll take care of everything, if it is dangerous I'll get rid of it" she said " if it's dangerous you kill it" Chief tui said, mirabel nodded and left the room muttering angrily" stupid outsiders" he left.

Mirabel had a blanket to keep it warm, " your realy gonna raise him?" Moana asked judgementaly " yes I am" mirabel said as sge was laying down, the cub snuggled to her chest" Alright then" moana scoffed and slept. Mirabel slept shortly after.

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