part 7

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Mirabel was walling through the village, her jaguar at her side. She got a coconut before taking her to eat. She loved fish and coconuts weirdly. She took her to the rocks where the jaguar hunter some fish, whatever she didn't touch went to the fishermen. She caught 5 and ate 3 today. Mirabel got the two fish, rinsed them and carried them to the boats, she handed them to the leader" thanks" he said, mirabel bowed her head slightly before pulling it up, she stared at something in the distance." Whats that?" She asked, her vision was the best due to her contacts so they took her word when she saw something, she climbed the rocks and fear spread across her face. She jumped from the rock. " what is it?" The chief asked her" boats, bugger than a y of the ones we have. Blue" she said fear was visible. They stared at her" GET THE WEAPONA READY!"  ge yelled as an arrow was shot, mirabel doged it. It had a note, she read it. " Chief Tui, we have found out about your little island, give it over and you and your tribe shall be safe, if you refuse ywe will commence war" she read gasps and worried speaks came from the tribe," pack your stuff" he said, mirabel stared" we don't have what we need for a war mirabel" he left. Mirabel stated at the boat, " to win a war you kill who's in charge" she said everyone faced her" If we go out into the water they have an easier chance to shoot our boats down, its safer here" she argued." I said we pack" he said, sternly." Sorry sir, that's what us outsiders are like" she said and got her spear, she got a rock." Mirabel" moana said. Mirabel never told anyone about her past, many people had guests but they were all wrong. " moana you can make the sea split jm correct?"She nodded" make it split there," she said" but-" " NOW!" moana did and the ships collapsed, they ran," close it" she did, the people drowned" simple but effective" she threw her spear into the sand and her jaguar followed her as she stormed off. She went to the other side of the island and threw rocks into the water." I miss mamá's cooking, papá's hugs" she missed her home so much, but she couldn't remember how to act there.  " isabella's flowers, luisa's constant work then rest routine, dolores's constant sneak scares, camilo's pranks, Antonio's cheery mood" she was crying. " I miss everything, but here is so much better" she smiled " I'm free here, no one glares at me, whispers about me" she looked to the jaguar" you get it don't you?" She asked the jaguar. It gave a soft roar and nuzzled her hand gently. " Should I visit them?" She asked, the jaguar roared softly again." Oh please It's like your scolding me" she groaned collapsing in the sand. The jaguar gave a growl. She stroked her head and midnight rested her head on her chest." A small visit maybe?" She thought. " but I can return I marked my way here" she held the map infront of her, the trail she took and moana had finished it off for her. She sat up." Right let's visit home" she stood up and and ran to the house. " sinan?" She asked, the woman looked at her" yes?" They sat down " I wanna visit my old town" sinan nodded " will you return?" She asked" of course, this is my home" sinan nodded," well get your stuff then" Tui said, she hugged them both." Thank you so much" they nodded, Tui got her boat ready. She set sail ha ung been taught, she waved and they were no longer visible. The sea was calm. She followed the map and she passed tons of rocks, she smiled seeing her jaguar. She fed her some fish and fell asleep. " what if they don't wanna see me?"She asked the jaguar, she saw the mountains wich used to be her home. She set the sail to it was a straight path home." Get ready midnight, we're visiting" the jaguar stretched and yawned. Mirabel stood up. She let the boat gently tap the rocks, she got a rope and tied it to the strongest tree. She watched her jaguar jump from the boat. Mirabel gulped and saw the crack. She walked through the forest, her jaguar picked her up so she didn't have to walk. The jaguar jumped the rocks. She got off and climbed down the rocks with midnight. They stood still, mirabel was scared. It was day, her outfit was.....different  now more wild. She walked to casita. The house's tiles flapped happily. " casita what's wrong?" She gulped at the voice, her tia's voice. She knocked on the door still amazed by it. Jt was slightly bigger and smaller than her tribal hut." So small" she thought as several footsteps came to the door. She had her contacts, they were brown thanks to moana's prank. She knocked again as they stopped, she knocked louder her breathing nearly silent. She felt fear, sadness, guilt, every emotion and more as the door opened. She heard the gasps. " m mira?" Her mothers voice asked. She nodded, " MIRABEL!" She was pulled into a hug. " w where did you go!?" Isabella asked seeing her outfit. It was animal skin with ink patterns. She had tattoos of animals, boats on water." It's a long story" she said. " we have time" pepa said they let her inside, she entered, midnight by her side. Casita pulled her a chair out. She was confused, everything was....different? She was pushed into a chair in the kitchen by casita. " Hungry?" Julieta asked " not realy" she nodded, everyone sat down" where did you go?", pepa asked.

After explaining

She explained everything except the tribal attack and how she mentally broke down about missing them. " So your part of a tribe?" Alma asked, mirabel nodded " the island far away?" Luisa asked worried" I cane to visit for a while" she said" wait wait wait visit!?" Pepa asked shocked" tia think here, I lived in a tribe and I've grown to hunting t to different food, to using fire!" She exclaimed " I'm not suited for living here anymore, visits are ok and I'll do it often" she said the cloud didn't dissappear." Look, I need you to understand ok?" She asked pleadingly" I'll visit on birthdays, weddings, funerals" she explained" but I'm realy not suited for life here, please try to understand?", they nodded " you better visit or I'm finding the island and belting you" alma threatened,mirabel smiled and nodded. " so your ok though right!?" Dolores asked worried, " I'm fine, I promise" she said calming them. " want some arepa's ?" Julieta asked, " not realy" she said, julieta nodded. " It's kinda small" she said looking around the new house" how big is the house you live in?" Antonio asked, she was hurt seeing him 7 now. " bigger" she said " midnight!" She said as the jaguar sniffed the food. Mirabel threw a stick at the cat, it picked it up and passed jt back. She threw it onto the roof, casita messed with the jaguar." Mirabel so you have....tatoos?" Luisa asked" they aren't realy tatoos, they tell stories of achievements" she explained," what's that one?" Antonio pointed to a woman holding a cub" when I found midnight, it was nighttime and she was injured, an arrow to the chest and I took her back and helped her" she explained. " and that?" Isabella used a vine to point to a tatoo of a boat on water " I learned to sail a boat" she smiled. " and that one?" Pepa asked confused, it was a girl with a spear, " I learned how to hunt" she smiled  she had stone and wood daggers on her sides. " Can you do tricks with them?" Luisa asked looking to her daggers. " yes I can but not in....small places" she said " rude" isabella scoffed." How did take it?" She asked. " Cmon then" luisa smiled, "can I have a jacket?" She asked, pepa passed her a ruana, she put it on. They went into town" where Is your glasses?" Alma asked" broken, using contacts" she said, she smiled as the kids she used to watch hugged her. " YOUR BACK!" They smiled." Visiting....." alma said to the villagers, they complained" personal reasons" mirabel said. Everyone nodded."how long will you he staying for?" Mariano asked, mirabel thought for a moment " a week, plus I think midnight made a friend" she saw her playing with parce. " would you like skme different clothes?" The tailor lady offered, she looked at her outfit confused." It's different here" ppea said, mirabel nodded and got some trousers and a shirt, she put then on over her normal outift." Can we go play?" The children asked, " cmon then" mirabel smiled. The villagers went to their normal behaviours but mirabel was the talk of thr town. " so are you hungry?" Cecillia asked," a little now you mentipn jt" she licked her lips," cmon!" They led her to julieta's table. " here" julieta passed her an arepa, mirabel tried it. It was different but not bad?

She slept in the nursery, she asked for jt since her jaguar slept in the same room as her. She slept on the floor with midnight. She woke up to her tia" cmon" mirabel groaned and rolled over, she snuggled into her fluffy friend wich betrothed her by standing up." Noooo come back" she called sleepily. She left the room without shoes as she usualt would." Whats that tatoo?"julieta asked pointing to one of a fire, mirabel thought for a moment" first bonfire" she said confused on the fork, she realt wasn't suited to this life. She saw camilo use his so she copied, it felt weird having metal jn her mouth. She swallowed." So you can hunt?" Isabella asked, dolores covered Antonio's ears." True" she said eating the empanada this time, she still had her manners and chewed with her mouth closed unlike the rumors." When will you visit again?" Bruno asked, mirabel shrugged" don't know but our tribe is gonna be moving in two weeks, I cannot wait to see the new island" she smiled" is it gonna be far away!?" Luisa asked" we don't know, we just travel when the hooks in the sky" they looked confused. Mirabel got some paper and put dots on it, " the hook" she circled its shape" we use it to find our new home" she said" we follow the hook"they we're still confused" why a hook?" Isabella asked" maui lost his hook trying to take the heart of tifiti" she explaiend, they looked confused " tifiti is the god of nature, she had a stone as her heart but its magic, he tried to take it wich turned her into the lava monster Te Kã, she was stuck on her old island as it was stone, but we returned the heart, tifiti came back and ye so basically it's a stronger version of isabella's gift" she shrugged" ok that's propably a lie" pepa said, mirabel rolled her eyes, she tilted her neck to show a massive burn" Te Kã is fake then I just fell into fire and burned only my neck?" She said and her head went back tj normal.

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