Chapter Twenty-four

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As the weeks flew by, the holidays were just around the corner, finals were in full swing, and we were all glad for a break. Jake, Rain, Logan and I are spending Christmas with my mom and sis, along with mom's new boyfriend, Mason, and his kids. They've been dating for weeks now and hit it off. I mean, if we're not talking about the twins, then we're talking about Mason. It turns out that he and my mom had dated when she was in high school, but went their separate ways after he left town and lost touch. However, now that they've reconnected, my mom has never been happier. I just hope it lasts.

Also, Jake and I finally bought the major furniture for the baby's room like the crib, diaper changing table, dresser, and a rocking chair. We decided to wait on the decorating because the girls had some ideas.

Right now, I'm getting all my writings in order for Jenna to look at because I am taking her advice on fulfilling my dream and publishing them so I can get myself established as an author. It is weird because as I was looking over my works from over the years, I realized that I have completed five book series, three volumes of poetry, and six novels, which is mind-boggling for me. I am proud of my works, so far, but hope that others like it, as well.

"Hi, Haley."

I turned around and saw Jenna standing in the doorway. "Hi, Jenna," I replied, looking at the clock. "You're here early."

"I know. I'm just excited to work with you, sweetie. It's not every day when a new-found friend of mine decides to publish their work."

I just laughed at that response. "That is true. So, are you ready?"

"Of course."

With that said, I give her the Sara Mason Series which is the first set of books I have written since I was twelve. Roughly, the series is about a girl who runs away from foster care at age twelve and finds refuge with other teenage runaways who are just like her and studies Wicca with them. Throughout the series, she experienced things that no normal teenager would or should have and ends up a better person. As Jenna looked through all the manuscripts, she didn't give me a hint as to whether she liked them or not, making me nervous. I was mentally sweating and thoughts were pouring out of my head, such as: What if she hates it or Does she like it? I was on the verge of a panic attack when she finished and said, "Haley, you should have started publishing years ago. These are amazing!"

I was relieved and excited when she said that, "Really?"

"These books can be a success, honey. I knew you were talented, but I didn't know I had a best-seller on my hands."

"Thanks, Jenna."

After a couple of more hours of going over my work, I had an agent and a publisher. I was elated at this because I have done what I wanted to do for years. If I do not accomplish anything else, then I will at least succeed at this, hopefully making my daughters proud and motivating them to go after whatever they set themselves out to do.

After completing the last of my finals Monday, I went into the principal's office to confirm my transfer, then rode to Starkville with my mom for my doctor's appointment.

"So, how are you and Jake doing?" she asked, pulling into the parking lot.

I just laughed. "We're doing good. We baby proofed the room, yesterday and Jenna is my literary agent."

"You're getting your work published?" she asked. "That's wonderful!"

I just nodded. "I'm a bit nervous, though. This is my first time ever submitting my stuff to an agent."

"I bet, but I believe in you, sweetie. Just hang in there and you will be a success in no time."

"Thanks, mom," I laughed. "So, how are things with Mason?"

"Awesome. He's really great, as well as the girls. He wants to spend the Holidays with us before heading back out on tour."

"That's great!" I replied, then teased. "Any marriage plans, yet?"

"Haley Nicole, you're making me feel like a teenager!"

I just laughed at her response, but she took a deep breath. "We're talking about it and Laura and his kids are on board if it happens."

"Well, I'm in, too. You deserve to be happy, mom, and I know living with me was no picnic."

Laughing, she shook her head. "Hey, you were a breath of fresh air compared to..."

Knowing she was thinking about dad, I sighed. "Hey, it's ok. I know he put you through hell, but he has no power, anymore. If you love Mason and want to marry him, do it. I'm all for it."

We just hugged and walked hand in hand into the doctor's office.

When I was called into Allie's office, she was already waiting for me. She did the usual tests on me, which came back good, but said I need to stick to just walking in order not to have early contractions. She also said that my due date would be around May 8, in which the babies would be full term, but we both knew that with twins may come earlier than that. However, I knew I had to stay strong and do the best I could to reach 37 weeks; so, I decided to relax and take precautions to hold off until the due date in order to make sure both the babies are healthy and happy when they are born.

Afterwards, my mom took me home where Amanda and Kayla were waiting for me, appearing devastated. Both of us exited the car and asked what was wrong.

Taking a deep breath, Amanda answered. "The school board revoked our right to stay at Louisville. We're attending Nanih Waiya after Christmas break."

"They can't do that." I gasped. "I thought your dad talked to them."

Kayla shook her head. "They decided it was not fair that we stay there while other teenagers are being transferred. Parents were trying to fight for their teens in our predicament to go back to the school after they were sent away and the school board decided to rescind the principal's decision to let us stay. He agreed without a fight."

"This is bullshit." My mom replied. "Louisville High School is going down the tubes with this nonsense. Do they not realize that the county schools are going to be overcrowded if they send married students and people associated with them? It is also going to put families in financial stress when it comes to gas due to the fact that it will cost more to commute to the county schools five days a week. How can they live with themselves?"

"Tell me about it, when we called mom to tell her the news, she was not happy. She even called the school board to reconsider all of us, but they won't budge. Their decision stands."

Shaking my head, I led everyone inside and we sat in the living room. "This is ridiculous," I replied. "A student has a right to an education in their district. If I was sixteen, I would probably try getting my GED instead of dealing with this mess."

"Haley, do not let them deter you," my mom stated, placing her hands on my shoulders. "This is what they probably want in the first place. Besides, a high school diploma carries more weight than a GED because you worked hard and took the credits needed to graduate."

"I know, but what are we going to do?"

My mom just sighed. "For now, we go along with it. I would fight this right away, but Haley, you're pregnant with twins and their health comes first. After the twins are born, we'll come up with something, but with you and Rain pregnant your health and safeties are more paramount than this."

We knew my mom was right, so we did decide to give the school board their victory, but agreed that when the time came, we would fight this injustice for future students.

When Jake returned home from work, I told him the discussion from earlier and he was relieved that we decided to postpone any fight against the school board as he was concerned about me and the twins. He wanted no stress for me and wanted to make sure I was cared for, so he cooked supper and we turned in for an early night.

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