Chapter Twenty-seven

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I was sleeping in the spare room with Jake when we both woke up to a loud noise.

"Wake up!" Ashley shouted, barging in and banging on a pot and spoon. "It's Christmas morning! Time for breakfast and presents!"

I just laughed in response, despite the irritation of the improvised cow bell. "Merry Christmas, Ashley."

"Same to you, sis. Now, get up! Dad and your mom are making breakfast!"

I immediately rose from bed after hearing that. My mom always makes the best pancakes.

We immediately ran into the kitchen and started eating before retiring to the living room and opening gifts. Jake and my gifts were combined, but we get some really good stuff, especially for the babies. We had two baby blankets, clothes for each of them, baby books, and toys, along with a bank statement of two bank accounts for a starter fund for $500 each; my mom never missed anything. I also got some more journals for writing and some maternity dresses while Jake and Logan each got a new tool kit and some new shirts. Rain got a new paint and sketch set for her artwork and some baby stuff, also. We were all just happy because we had more stuff for the baby and a little for ourselves. Then, out of the blue, Mason stood up and faced my mom before kneeling, "Thea Jane Nowell," he announced, holding out a diamond ring. "Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?"

She immediately turned to Laura and me; we both nodded in approval.

"Yes, Mason," she gasped. "I'll marry you."

Hearing that, he placed the ring on her finger and they kissed passionately as we looked on, cheering and clapping for the newly engaged couple. My mom and dad are getting married after years apart and are both glowing over the next chapter of their lives. Locking eyes for a moment, we both smiled because she was finally happy after so many years of living in Hell, as was I because I want her to be happy. She totally deserved it.

After their engagement, we spent the next few hours planning a wedding. They both agreed on a non-religious ceremony and set a date: March 7, which was perfect because it was the Saturday before Spring Break. The colors were black and red and they were getting married in Mason's living room. My mom would be moving in with Mason afterwards, so Laura will be staying with us for the rest of the school year, which will be fine for me because I need all the help I can get during the last few months of my pregnancy. Now, all that is left to do is to find an officiate, figure out the food choices, and other things needed for a princess wedding.

Later that night, we officially celebrated the engagement by hosting a barbeque. Jake and Logan were grilling while the girls and I were cooking the vegetables. The teenagers are making the parents relax because it was their night and they should not be cooking. It wouldn't be right. Anyway, I had just finished the potato salad and placed it in the fridge when I saw heard cars pulling up.

"That must be Amanda and the gang," I said, running towards the door.

When I opened the door, Amanda immediately squealed and hugged me, "Merry Christmas, Haley pie!"

"Merry Christmas, sweetie," I hugged her back.

"What about us?" someone else asked.

Looking up, I saw Laney, Justin, Kayla, Ryan and Jana, and Kyle coming towards us.

I just laughed, "Merry Christmas to all!"

"And to all, a good night!" Jana joked with a hug. "How is your break going?"

"Great..." I answered. "and surprising."

"Tell me."

With that, we all went inside and sat in the living room, where I spilled about my recent discovery.

"Wow," Jana said, taking it all in. "so Mason is your real father and his kids are your sisters?"

"That's all in a nutshell," I replied. "and he and my mother are getting married."

When Amanda heard that, she squealed. "Really? That's awesome! How do you feel about that?"

"I'm glad because she is finally happy and marrying someone who treats her like she deserves, especially my long-lost dad."

"Well," Jana added. "if that's true, then the news I'm about to give you will definitely rock your world!"

I just stared at her in response and she continued. "Jenna told me that you're getting a huge payday from the Sara Mason series within a few months."

"Are you serious?"

She immediately nodded in response. "She couldn't tell me the amount for confidentiality reasons, but you would get a huge check, then commission after that which would more than sustain you and your family for the rest of your life."

"This is amazing!" Jake said, coming in the room. "We could buy a house, you a car when you get your license, take care of the girls, and send us to school."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "We don't know how much it would be, yet. So, let's wait until we find out the exact amount, but the babies come first before anything else."

"Always, baby!" he replied with a kiss.

After an hour passed, the food was done and we were eating in the backyard. Rain and I were sitting together and I told her about my most recent news, which made her happy, but I could tell that something else was bothering her. So, I took her inside and asked her what was wrong.

She immediately winced at my question. "You could always tell when something was bothering me by just looking. I'm going to miss that."

I was thrown for a loop. "What do you mean?" I asked.

She sighed in response, then answered. "Logan got his old job back and we're moving after New Year's."

"When did this happen?"

Shaking her head, she answered my question. "I just found out, last night, but he did this a few weeks ago and he swore that we would have nothing to do with Joni and Alden, and that the move is for us."

I highly doubted that, but kept quiet because I knew she did also. So, I changed the subject, "What are you going to do about school?"

"I told him flat-out that I was going to school and he agreed. I am finishing high school, Haley. You don't need to worry about that!"

I knew there was nothing I could say, so I just hugged her and we both broke down crying.

"Hey, we could still keep in contact," I said, trying to cheer us both up. "We have e-mail, Facebook, cell phones, and I could come and visit once I get my license. So, it won't be so bad."

"Yeah, it will," she laughed. "You're a total nerd without me and I'm a total dumbass without you."

That made me laugh, "We really evened each other out, didn't' we?"

We spent the next five minutes laughing and pulling ourselves together before rejoining the party with smiles. I decided to wait until tomorrow to tell everyone about my good news, mostly because tonight was my parents' night and I want them to enjoy it without having to share it with me.

Despite the happy news going around however, I couldn't help but feel worried for Rain. She and I were skeptical of Logan's motive for moving to Gulfport; it was too much of a coincidence, but we're also hoping for the best. I am also sad that I am going through this without my best friend, but I guess fate made sure I had new friends and family to support me from here on out. As I looked around, I don't know what's in store for me or my babies, but believe that things will work out in the end.

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