Chapter Five

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It's now Friday, the morning of my wedding day. I awoke at 7:00 a.m. and lay in bed thinking, Today is the day I become Haley Richardson and Rain becomes Rain Hale. I rose from bed after a few minutes and ran downstairs to find Rain already up and cooking.

"When'd you get up?" I asked, sitting at the bar.

She fixed me a plate and handed it to me. "An hour ago! I couldn't get back to sleep!"

"I know, right? Every teenager is getting ready for school, while we're preparing for our impending nuptials."

She laughed for a moment. "Well, we better get a move on. We have a hair and nail appointment at Laney's in about an hour."

I just nodded in acknowledgment and continued eating.

Five hours later, we arrived at South Louisville Baptist Church and we all went into separate rooms. Rain, Amanda, Laura, my mom, and I were in the dressing room, while the guys were in a vacant Sunday school room getting dressed.

As I finished putting on my dress, which was a white, strapless gown reaching to the floor with a blue sash in the middle, my mom went behind me and placed a diamond necklace around my neck and sapphire diamond earrings on my ears. "You look beautiful, sweetie. You're like a princess!"

"Mom, I am a princess!" I pointed to the tiara on my head. "You taught me that!"

Coming out of the stall, Laura chuckled. "She taught us both that, Haley. Anyways, I can't wait for the day when I'm the bride and you're the matron of honor!"

"That better be when you're eighteen, Laura and not a minute before!"

"You don't need to worry, Hales! I plan to wait at least until then."

"So do I, Laura!" Amanda smiled. "So do I!"

Growing impatient, Rain, sporting a simple, white halter dress, emerged from her stall and replied. "Okay, it's almost time. Let's go!"

Two minutes later, Rain and I were walking down the aisle with our parents giving us away. I smiled at Jake and glanced at Laura (maid-of-honor) smiling at Amanda's brother, Justin (groomsman) and Amanda (bridesmaid) grinning at Kyle (best man), then turned back to Jake as I arrived at the alter and took his hand.

Holding his Bible, the pastor, Reverend Goldman, started the ceremony by reading some scripture.

When he finished, he stated, "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union between these two couples in holy matrimony. If someone has just cause of why they should not be married, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

We waited two minutes and no response, then he continued, "To my knowledge, Haley Nicole Nowell and Jacob Tyler Richardson have written their own vows. Haley, would you like to start?"

"I do!" I answered, smiling at Jake. "Jake, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You pulled me from the brink of self-destruction and into the light of the world and since that time, I've fallen in love with you more and more, every day. You made me want to become a better person, a devout daughter and sister, and now you've made me want to become a better wife and mother. When, I first met you, I knew you were special, but now you are so much more than meets the eye and I thank God for having you in my life, every minute. I love you so much, Jake and as I say 'I do,' I promise to love, honor, and cherish you for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, as long as we both live."

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