Chapter Nineteen

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The next morning, Jake, Rain, and I woke up to a loud knock on the door.

"Who is that?" I yawned.

Jake rose from between us and got dressed. "I'll get it," he said. "Stay here."

As Jake left the room, Rain and I covered up with the bedsheet and moved closer to each other.

"Are you okay, honey?" I asked, stroking her hair.

She just nodded. "I just wish Logan would call me. I called him fifteen times last night, but he wouldn't answer any of them."

"It'll be okay. Don't worry. You have Jake and me to help you."

She nodded again. "Thanks for letting me sleep with y'all last night. I didn't want to be alone at all."

I just hugged her and kissed her forehead when Jana, Sara, Amanda, and Sky barged in with bagels, cream cheese, strawberries, and banana-nut muffins.

"Hey, y'all," Rain said. "What's up?"

They came in and Jana asked Rain was she okay.

"I'm fine. I'm just worried about Logan. He hasn't called."

She shook her head and smiled. "Well, right now you need to worry about nourishing the baby. That goes for you, too, Hales. Come in the kitchen and I'll make us a healthy breakfast."

"Thanks for this, guys," I said, eating a bagel. "This is really what we needed."

Sky laughed at my remark. "Of course! We can't have y'all sad on my wedding day. Negative feelings cause negative things."

"And the fact that it's unhealthy for the baby," Jana added. "Anyway, after this, y'all need to shower and get dressed. We have places to go before Sky's nuptials."

Laughing, we nodded and continued eating.

The girls and I left the house an hour later and went to a bridal shop in Philadelphia to pick our dresses.

"So, Sky?" I asked looking through the maternity wear. "What will your name be after the marriage?"

She just laughed and answered, "Sky Elizabeth Tarrant. I thought about using Wilson for my middle name, but decided against it because my family pretty much disowned me after I left home."

"So, they don't know you're getting married?" Amanda asked.

She shook her head. "They won't even acknowledge me, not even Darla and we were best friends until she dated my brother."

I looked at her for a minute and asked. "You didn't like that?"

"I encouraged it, but she didn't want to hang out with me anymore and outed me to my parents about Carter in the first place. I would've forgiven her, but she acted really bitchy to me and Evan and my parents sided with her to begin with. Before I left home, she was making false claims that I was using drugs and participating in gang bangs with random people. Sorry, I am not a druggie and I may be bi, but I will not do a gang bang unless Carter is involved and it's another bi couple we know."

Rain was flabbergasted. "Didn't you defend yourself?"

"Of course, but Evan backed her up, knowing it wasn't true. He was the "golden boy" and I, the family pariah. He and Darla just wanted me in trouble to keep our parents in the dark about their indiscretions. That's when I started staying out all the time and hanging out with the older crowds, hence how I met Carter."

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