Chapter Seventeen

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The next day, school was out again for another emergency meeting, so Rain, Amanda, Kayla and I went to Black Rose Records in Starkville to check it out.

"Look at this place!" I said, astonishingly.

The whole placed screamed Goth from inside out, from the dark interior to the gothic paraphernalia. We also saw Jason Lake, former lead singer for rock band Night Child, talking to two girls in an office. Jason was kicked out of the band four years ago for supposedly abusing illegal drugs. He went to rehab to get clean, but the band found a new singer during that time and he got the boot. I guess he met Jana sometime after that and they founded the label.

"My Goddess," someone behind us said.

I turned around and a blonde girl making her way to the seat next to me. As I looked at her, I thought she looked radiant. Her hair was flowing to her waist with pink highlights and she was very thin. She also wore a silver pentacle around her neck, hoop earrings in her ears and her right cartilage, a black corseted mini-dress with a purple trim and tall, black boots that reached right above her knees. This girl was amazingly breathtaking and lovely; I couldn't take my eyes off her.

I continued looking at this blue-eyed girl for another minute when she held out her hand. "I'm Sky," she greeted. "Sky Wilson. You?"

"Haley Richardson," I shook her hand and introduced the others. "Are you related to Evan Wilson?"

She nodded. "He's my older brother. He probably doesn't mention me. My family and I had a falling out a year ago and I left home. I got emancipated and now live with my fiancé in town."

"Wow," I simply said. "Do you attend school?"

"I attend East Mississippi Community College in Mayhew and in case you're wondering, I'm sixteen. I finish school in December with a degree in Liberal Arts, then I'm going to State next fall to study Journalism. I also work as a waitress at Applebee's to help with my necessities."

Kayla raised her hand, "What does your fiancé do?"

"Carter works here. He's the lead singer of the screamo band, Dead Rose. They're one of the top ten bands in the world, next to Scarlet Rose."

I nodded, "It's true. Carter Tarrant is amazing and like Jana, writes his own songs. She does some screamo, too."

"Yeah and they sing together sometimes. They're awesome!"

I was about to say something when Jana and Ryan walked in hand in hand. Without warning, Sky rushed to them and hugged them both.

"Nice to see you, too, Sky." Jana laughed. "You're here to see Carter?"

"When am I not here to see him?"

"Well, he should be in the rehearsal room. Let's go!"

Giggling, Sky grabbed me and we all headed to the rehearsal room.

"So, you guys set a date, yet?" Ryan asked as we reached the door.

Sky just nodded. "A week from this coming Saturday at our place. Are you still marrying us?"

"I always keep my promises, Sky, and besides, you and Carter are good friends of ours. We're glad to help."

Jana opened the door and Dead Rose was playing the song "Dangerous Love," with Carter singing and screaming beautifully. I had always loved their music, but this song was my favorite because it talked about how this couple fell in love, but her parents were in the way; then, she went against them and left home to be with him, living happily ever after.

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