Chapter 11 ~ A short break

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It has now been 2 and a half months since Shawn and Camila broke up. It's really only been up from there for Shawn. He was healing, writing, thinking of Jovi, hanging out with his friends in Nashville. He was about to start doing press appearances for the new album. Camila had disappeared from the public eye. Everyone thought she was embarrassed for being caught cheating on Shawn. He was nervous though because he knew he'd be asked about the breakup. Since the two hadn't spoken Shawn was pretty much just going to be honest but brief about the whole thing. He was just going to say that they had grown apart and that was it. He had no plans of speaking to Camila and he wanted to keep it that way. She no longer had a place in his world and he was beginning to realize how much happier he was without her.
"Shawn let's go man, we are heading to the studio to do the VanSciver show!" Brain called into Shawn's room, breaking Shawn out of his momentary trance. Lately part of his healing has been just taking moments as they come. Letting himself feel his feelings instead of putting on a face and being "Strong". "Coming man." Shawn said, whipping the bedroom door open. "Looking good sexy man, you think Jovi is going to watch?" Brian winked at Shawn "I don't know man. We haven't really talked since the opening night of her show. She sent me her number and thanked me for the flowers but that was really it." Shawn explained as the pair sat and waited for the rest of the small group to finish getting ready. "And remind me again why you guys aren't talking? From what you told me she's all that." Brian asked "Because dude, she's right, I need to heal first before I start trying to date again. Otherwise I end up bleeding on someone who didn't cut me." Shawn said
"Right but you guys can still talk and get to know each other and be friends. You wanna at least form that type of friendship, otherwise she may think you aren't interested and move on and then you lose her for no reason. The space you are giving her you are allowing another guy to fit in between you guys." Brian said "Jeez man when did you get so wise? You think I should text her more?" Shawn asked "First off I've always been wise, second of all yeah it can't hurt. I'm not saying you have to date her but at least show an interest in getting to know her, take it slow. " Brain said Shawn sat quite and just thought about it. He pulled out his phone and went to their messages and typed out a short but direct text to Jovi..." I'll be back to NYC soon, coffee?. "

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