Chapter 8 ~ Mystery solved

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"SHAWN LET'S GO WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE DUDE!" Brian shouted to Shawn from the end of a hotel hallway. "I'm coming man, sorry. I overslept, I was up late last night." Shawn said, dragging his suitcase through the elevator door that led to the lobby. "Paparazzi are out front, let's just keep it down and make it to the car." said Jake, Shawns longtime friend and bodyguard. "Paps all up in this bitch just tryin to get the tea on you and Camila." Brian spat out, for the most part he did fine with having a celebrity for a best friend. But when it came to stuff like this where Shawn needed privacy to handle something he was super protective of Shawn. :Just ignore them man, I do." Shawn said, patting Brian on the back in passing. Shawn and the team were headed to Nashville to work on the new album. "I'm fucking starving dude." Brian complained "Once we get to the airport I'll buy ya a burger, King." Shawn said "It better be a good one too since I keep putting up with all your drama haha." Brian joked. "You ready?" Shawn asked Brian "Yeah." Brian answered with an over dramatic eye roll.

Six hours later and they are getting all settled into the house in Nashville that they would be renting for the next four and a half months. Shawn sat in his room at the desk scrolling mindlessly on the internet. He couldn't get Jovi off his mind, he wished more than anything that he could just call her up. He remembered she goes to Juilliard and decided to go to the schools website to see if there was anything on it about her or her program. Low and behold as soon as he went to the schools website he couldn't believe it. "Pfft too easy" Shawn said aloud Jovi stared back at him, it was her picture plastered on the schools home page under the headline "Juilliard 3rd year student lands lead in annual production of the Wizard of Oz opening next month" Shawn couldn't believe it, that was huge for Jovi! A smile broke out across Shawn's face as he read the article over and over again. Certain things stuck out to him, he even came across an interview that she had done for the school. It was a shot of her shoulders up and showed her with her hair in a bun, no makeup yet strangely beautiful, a tiny gold cross glistened in the studio lighting. There were clips of her singing and dancing with the cast "Ms. Litar, what do you hope to get out of this experience on stage and off?" The interviewer asked "You know I just know that God put me here on this Earth to help people and if he brought me to this stage it was to do just that. We've all been working tirelessly to put on the best show possible and I just hope that the audience loves what we do because we surely do." She answered

Shawn was in absolute awe of this girl. Her beauty, her honesty , her passion, her wisdom overtook him. He had never met anyone like her before. He felt like the half an hour that they spent together that night was everything he needed to feel like he had known her for their whole lives. He lucked out again, he found a link to her twitter page. He clicked on the link and couldn't believe it...She was already following him! She really did know who he was. He looked through her page a little bit and learned that she likes dogs, and the color ALOT! He scrolled through some pictures and came across one of her holding a tiny baby, the caption on it was "Auntie Jo loves you Juju" Her smile radiated through the screen. Shawn scrolled down and hit the like button, and then kept scrolling. She had a lot of followers, 22 thousand to be exact.

Then he came across a tweet that he definitely liked that read "Have you guys heard the new @ ShawnMendes song, this song with the Calvin Klein ad at the same time? Lord this man is trying to kill me!" Shawn laughed to himself and hit the follow button. He then clicked back to Juilliard's page, and watched more videos from the acting program. He got so into it he didn't realize Brian came in "Who's that?" Brain said over Shawn's shoulder, surprising Shawn and making him jump. He instinctively closed the tab so Jovi disappeared. "Jesus dude" Shawn said, grabbing his chest and turning to face Brian "Don't you ever knock?" Shawn said "Who's that?" Brian said not deviating from his previous question "Just a girl that's playing is the Wizard of Oz at Juilliard." Shawn answered truthfully "Right but since when do you care about Juilliard and their wizards?" Brian said "Since I met her at a coffee shop last night" Shawn said "YOU WHAT!?" Brian said his eyes were getting huge "SHAWN YOU DOG!" Brian complimented Shawn, he just laughed "Was she good?" Brian smirked

"No man she wasn't like that, I walked her home in the rain and then she basically turned me down." Shawn said "See man this is why we gotta go to the club! You could get any girl you wanted at the club, ain't nobody turning Shawn Mendes down in a club. Did she know who you were?" Brian asked "Yeah she did, but she was cool about it, she basically asked me what the fuck was I doing trying to meet girls when me and Camila haven't even been broken up for long." "Pfft that's what you get man, I tell you go for the club girls and you go meet this chick in a coffee shop. Stupid!" Brian said, slapping Shawns arm "I bet she reads books and prays." Brain teased "Is that why you overslept this morning?" Brian asked "Yeah man, I didn't get back to the room till like almost 5 this morning. She's deep, she's a different type, man." Shawn said, reminiscing about the previous night. "What's her name?" Brian asked "Jovi" Shawn answered "Jovi...different, nice and she's pretty." Brian said thinking back 30 seconds ago to the footage he saw over Shawn's shoulder Shawn just kind of stared...turned back to his screen and opened up twitter... "What are you doing..." Brian said "The time is now." Shawn said looking down, typing out a tweet. " The time is now, Camila and I have ended our relationship in light of the photo that has been circulating, please be kind all the time and allow us time to work through our emotions. Let the healing begin!"

"Dude, are you sure? Once you send it out there's no going back. If you guys get back together then you become one of those messy couples like the Kardashians." Brian advised Shawn to look at him and hit send "Yeah man I'm sure." and closed the laptop.

24 HoursOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora