Chapter 4 ~ Breaking up is hard to do

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Things have been feeling off lately between Shawn and Camila. Shawn laid in the bed of his NYC hotel room with his hands over his eyes just thinking about what to do now. Silence and darkness filled the room. Brian had offered to come hang out, even go out to a club or something but Shawn just wanted to be left alone with his thoughts for a while because he wasn't going to be able to continue running from it for too much longer. Suddenly there was a knock at this door. He sighed and let out a groan as he pulled himself up off the bed. "Yeah?" he asked as he walked towards it, rubbing his head, and preparing to open the door. "It's me." said Brian on the other side of the door. "Man I said I didn't wanna go-" Shawn stopped short when he opened the door and saw the look on Brian's face. His eyes were big and worried, his mouth trembling. "Shit what's wrong man?" Shawn asked, alarmed "You haven't been online have you?" Brian asked, slipping through the door quietly getting into the darkness of Shawn's room. "No man I was in bed, what happened?" Shawn asked, flicking on a light.

Bri suddenly wouldn't look at Shawn in the face. "Dude what's wrong you're scaring me." Shawn said gently pulling Bri around by the shoulder to face him. "I'm sorry man..." Brian started "About what?" Shawn asked. Brian took a breath and started "Miles is throwing a party tonight at his new place, everyones there and he told me that Lauren and Camila are there now." He said "Uhh huh...goooo on?" Shawn prodded "He said he saw Camila with some guy, they were kissing and stuff, and she was all up on him in the hot tub." He said regretfully "He's lying!" Shawn said defending his imperfect girlfriend "He's lying, that's bullshit!" Shawn said getting angry "Yeah man I didn't believe him either...until he sent me this." Brian said, handing Shawn his phone. On it was indeed a closeup picture of Camila kissing and laughing with some unfamiliar guy. It looked like it had been taken by someone else in the hot tub.

Shawns mouth hung open, but nothing came out. "It's all over the internet, it's even trending on twitter." Brian said almost in a whisper. Shawn just shook his head. Tears welled up in his eyes. He looked at Brian and said one simple word..."Why?" he asked and fell to the ground but Brian caught him before he hit the ground. Shawn clung to him with all the strength in his body...for dear life. "WHY!" He cried "IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO END LIKE THIS! IT WASN"T SUPPOSED TO END AT ALL!" Shawn shouted, tears running wild down his pained face. "I know man, I know..." Brian said, patting Shawn on the back as the two sat on the floor just inside the door of his room. Shawn was almost in Brian's lap. That's how tight the two men clung to each other. Brian had never seen Shawn like this in all the years they'd been friends.

Swiftly Shawn got up and took a deep breath. A silence fell over the room, Brian stood up to. It was an eerie silence though...something was very wrong. Suddenly Shawn lost it! He took off towards a wall and put his fist right through the wall, he picked up a lamp and threw it against a wall. It shattered and glass went everywhere. "DUDE NO!" Brian said, ran up to Shawn and grabbed him. He pulled Shawn's arms back by his biceps and put him facing a wall. "Dude stop!" Brian yelled "LET THE FUCK GO!" Shawn cried trying to get away from Bri "BRO STOP, SHE'S NOT WORTH IT!" Brian yelled back restraining Shawn "HOW COULD SHE DO THIS!" Shawn yelled still crying Shawn managed to break away from Brian and the two got into a little wrestling match Brian knew Shawn wasn't trying to hurt him but he also knew Shawn wasn't thinking logically right now and was a danger to himself so he wasn't about to let him go. "SHAWN I'M SORRY BRO BUT TRY TO CALM DOWN!" Brian yelled as the two continued to wrestle.

Suddenly two voices entered the room "HEY YOU TWO BREAK IT UP! HOTEL SECURITY BREAK IT UP!" Once the officers were able to separate the two men and the adrenaline stopped pumping, When the security guard let go of Shawn he just crumpled to the ground like a slinky. "What is going on?" One of them asked loudly. Brain ran his hands through his frustrated hair, sweat dripping down his forehead "It's okay man I'm sorry about the disturbance, I got it though. My friend is going through a tough time with his girl right now." Brian explained gesturing to the pile of man in the corner.

"Okay I get it, but he destroyed the room man...look" The guard said gesturing to the hole and the lamp, and the disheveled mess. "I'm sorry man, I'll pay for it." Shawn said, breathing heavily, his face red, tears on his cheeks. He had made his way from the front of the room to the back by the balcony door. After a little while later security left the room and Brian and Shawn were left to their own devices. "I just don't get it.." Shawn started " I mean I knew things were bad but I didn't know they were this bad. We aren't even broken up yet and she's already with another guy." Shawn said, his eyes searching the room for more than what it could give him. Some type of answer, anything. He'd take it. But nothing. "So..." Brian began...."You're newly single, and this is Manhattan. You know what that means?" Brian said "Shawn cocked his head to the side "Dude I am not going to a club." Shawn said waving Brian off "No stupid It means pizza, a blunt, and Harry Potter two." Brian said.

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