Chapter 9 ~ Stop with the subtweets

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Three weeks have passed since Shawn made the announcement of the breakup, Shawn has been a good boy and practiced restraint by not messaging Jovi on twitter, he's been pretty busy with writing and healing and didn't want to look desperate (though he did turn on her tweet notifications just to make sure he didn't miss anything). Jovi hasn't been super active on twitter lately either. Shawn assumed she's busy rehearsing for her show which was now a week away. Shawn did nothing but write, work in the studio, meditate, and workout. They were in a pretty secluded area of Nashville so he was able to go for walks and hang out outside without being swarmed by fans and paps.

He was sitting outside one day after a run when suddenly his phone went off, it was a tweet from Jovi "Show time is just around the corner, getting more and more nervous. Think good thoughts Jovi, think good thoughts!" Shawn liked the tweet and locked his phone. God did he want to talk to her but he was taking her advice, once he truly felt ready for another meaningful relationship with another girl she was his first call. "Yo come play me that song you wrote for Jovi!" Brian yelled "Man keep it down! I don't want anyone knowing yet, plus we haven't even spoken on since the night we met.' Shawn said " Everyone left to go to that new restaurant remember? You didn't wanna go and yeah but you've been subtweeting her since you found her twitter page. "I have not!" Shawn said getting defensive, Brian pulled out his phone "Thinking about the beauty of meeting mysteries in the middle of a storm." That was three days after we got here "Thinking of you, I need coffee." Tweeted the day after that other one "Caffeine headache, you make my heart race." That was like 6 hours ago "Then-OKAY OKAY WE GET IT I'M WEAK OKAY!" Shawn dramatically said and then pulled out his phone "What, subtweeting some more?" Brian said "No I'm blocking you on twitter." Shawn laughed "No stop!" Brain laughed, snatching Shawn's phone out of his hand and running into the house.

"Last one to the studio is a lovesick Mendes!" Shawn went into the sound booth and put the headphones on." DJ. GET-BUSY-BRI at your service!" Brian said into the microphone which fed into Shawns headphones "haha DJ SPIN THAT SHIT!" Shawn said loudly into the microphone "Alright that's cool and everything but what the hell am I supposed to do, you know I don't know what I'm doing. This is Nolan's job haha!" Brian laughed "Hit the green button and the track will playback stupid." Shawn laughed, suddenly soft guitar music started playing. "Oh you dressed up so nice but all I could see was your eyes, then the crowd came and pulled you and then you were gone." Shawn sang. After the song Brian just stared in disbelief..."What man?" Shawn asked, looking confused. "You wrote this for someone you spent an hour with?" Brian said "Yeah...I guess I did." Shawn said realizing for the first time that's exactly what he did. " you know you never wrote songs like this for Camila?" Brian said "Shawn's heart fell into his stomach. He'd been so busy healing himself and thinking about Jovi that he literally forgot about Camila... "You're right're right." Shawn said somberly "How is that? Do you think any of it was real?" Shawn asked

Brian leaned forward in the chair as Shawn was still in the booth. "I think your part in it was...I think you loved her." Brian confirmed what Shawn was asking "If that's true then why didn't I ever write a song like this for her?" Shawn countered back, taking off his headphones and walking out the booth to grab a seat next to Brian. "I think each time someone falls in love, it's for a different reason...a different lesson based on where they are at in their life. I think you and Camila found each other at a very vulnerable point in your lives. She and Mark had just broken up for good and you were just getting back from a year and a half of touring and you were having trouble finding yourself again. I have no harsh feelings towards her but I think after a while it became more of a chore than a relationship. So naturally you guys being friends, you didn't have any other choice but to find each other in the search for, trying to find yourself." Brain said, sticking his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "That's deep DJ GET BIZY BRI!" Shawn said, pulling the pair out of the serious conversation. 

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