Before the Twist

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{The picture above is Amari's clothing.}



She looked up from playing on her phone to see a Titanus Rodan flying up to her. Their body and wings were a nice shade of brown with shades of various red, orange, and yellow that made the other look like a moving flame. Their horns were black as the night sky with streaks of red. They were adolescent, about half the size of their adoptive father, Rodan. Their name was Ardere, Latin for fire. Which, wasn't all that creative. Soon as the young titan came up did they switch to a human form that held skin akin to Spanish origin with wild untamable curls. Their eyes were wild as fire itself with chaos just oozing from their orbs. They took a more masculine form of which told her that their pronouns are he/him for the week.

"Hey, Doran."

"Don't 'Hey Doran' me!!!!! Gojira and Mothra have been looking for you!!!!"

She felt herself grimace as she knew those two were probably in protective mode. The only reason she could understand was that the humans did something that ticked off their instincts. Sighing, she quickly put her phone away as she transformed into her Mosura form to quickly fly to them. Doran quickly transformed back as well as they took off towards where Godzilla and Mothra were. They both heard a shriek as Rodan dropped by them.

"{Chica!!! Where have you been?!?!? Gojira and Mothra are going absolutely ballistic with instincts due to the humans!!!! One of them had some of your Gojira forms scales but the G man and Mama M saw the scales and thought the worst.}"

"{Thank you Uncle Rodan!!!! I was busy reading some interesting articles of gemstones and gaming in my human form. I lost track of time due to that.}"

Rodan let out this little warble that both young titans knew to be laughter. Amari was so glad that nobody could feel or see her reddening cheeks. Everyone on the island knew she held fascination with gemstones and getting into gaming. Sighing, she quickly saw her adoptive parents as they were crying out or outright intimidating the humans. She let out her own cry in her Mosura form as she landed then switched to her Gojira form. She quickly got to them as they immediately checked her over as the humans moved out of view or targeting distance. She huffed as her Dad checked her over and huffed with relief as her Mom wrapped her up in silk while somewhat hugging her. She saw Rodan and Doran chuckling from a distance to which she gave them a glare worthy of her father.

Rodan seemed slightly spooked but Doran was still chuckling slightly. Huffing she looked back to her parents.

"{Dad, Mom, sorry I was reading up on some interesting facts about gemstones and some gaming in my human form.}"

Gojira rumbled and Mothra cooed.

"{It's fine pup. You know we care for you deeply. You're under our care and protection, all we want in your safety and happiness.}

"{Oh sweetie, it's just our instincts going haywire looking for you. Humans are unpredictable yet predictable creatures. We may watch over them, but we know that sins run deep in them. But we are glad to have you in our lives. Despite what have happened years ago, you're just as much as our child as anyone else.}"

Amari purred as she snuggled both her Mother and Father as they all walked back to their home.

Amari was glad she finally got this happy ending.


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