1 : Houston, we have a problem!

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How problems in Decaorb began:

As astronaut, Garreth Lewis, left the SPANA locker room, he didn't realize a small packet of bizarre seeds were hidden deep down inside his jeans. It was illegal to bring anything foreign up into space for it was perceived that the outcome would be a risk factor. Anyone who did not follow these guidelines would be fined.

Earlier, he mistakenly left his locker wide open, before hitting the showers. Thus, anyone could have simply slipped any object inside his space suit when he left. Facepalming himself, Garreth knew his forgetfulness was an omen. Instincts told him to be wary, once he discovered his mistake of not locking the compartment up. But even if Garreth checked his pockets to make sure there weren't any loose articles in them, the damage was done.

And it was too late to do anything even if he had searched his back pocket, for Garreth had his spacesuit on. He knew it wouldn't be easy to take it off now, especially since the rocket he was scheduled was ready for take off. Interrupting it would disrupt the itinerary and that made him feel downhearted.

In the back of his mind, he knew it was a sin that had come back to haunt him as he committed adultery. And today he had a funny feeling that the mission wouldn't exactly go as expected.

Waving and smiling toward the crowd, Garreth gulped. He trained to be a space cadet five years ago, but every time he was scheduled to leave, his adrenaline would act up. Yet, when Garreth was younger he knew that exploring space was what he wanted to do when he grew up. But, experiencing the tremors first hand wasn't what he expected.

He previously went on The Odyssey a few years ago for Mars research. The visit to the red planet was quite treacherous in the beginning as a dust storm caused their trip to be shortened. Turbulence and other chaos was what Garreth remembered that day. In fact, during the mission, The Odyssey lost one of its parts, causing him to believe that he wouldn't be able to see his family again. But miraculously, The Odyssey landed safely down on Earth and allowed the space pilot to breathe a sigh of relief.

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Earlier that morning, he was awakened by a mysterious phone call, where the man on the other line had a deep voice and mumbled the words, "Good Luck Mr. Astronaut. There is Nothing more Bitter than Sweet Revenge itself." It ended with a haunting laugh, which irked Garreth. He tried to ask who the mysterious caller was, but the line went dead before he could reply.

Thus, that flight made him uneasy and realized that life as an astronaut wasn't as simple as many have perceived.

Garreth had his suspicions on who the caller might be for earlier in the week he had a run-in with a man who he only knew as Adam. At first, he didn't know why this mysterious man approached him, but soon Garreth was warned that the husband of the woman he recently had an affair with was out to stalk him. And even if Garreth tried to end the relationship, the flirtatious woman refused to leave him.

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Ahead of Lewis's departure, a gardener named Adam Williams, was able to enter SPANA headquarters as he secretly swiped Garreth's Identification card to get in. Adam knew it was risky to pretend to be someone else, but he hardly had time to think about the consequences as he was adamant to do the crime.

After smelling traces of another man's scent in his bedroom, and finding some clothes that didn't belong to him, Adam grew suspicious. At first, he ignored the problem, but smelling the strong aroma of cologne weekly bothered him. It wasn't his brand, as he only wore cologne on certain occasions, so he decided to spy on what his wife was doing while he was at work. He hid a miniature camera behind some clothes so it wouldn't be seen and that was when he caught the two fondling each other.

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