Prologue: The Race to the Finish Line

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If you wanna win the race, make sure your car survives the race first. ~ quoted from the movie "The Art of Racing in the Rain"

An Imbalance of Power

In a time of desperation where one needs to be the first person to win in a race, many would attempt to cheat in order to get that prize. It's not reasonable, but that's the aim of a manipulative person. But must there only be one winner all the time? The answer to that relies on that person who wins and if they are willing to share that trophy with others.

Miscommunication amongst both parties could also cause chaos. Some people start well, they're looking strong; but they don't know how to finish the 'race' well. Some get distracted and 'pull off the track' (cheat, in order to be the best). Problems and distractions could happen, and in the end, that's where the story of the unfortunate souls cry.

Simply put, words could often be misinterpreted where paranoia could be avoidable. And people should be more careful when gossiping, because they can't assume who's eavesdropping or hiding nearby.

There are winners and losers in every game. And there are those who have not yet learned how to be triumphant productively.

Self-discipline is what separates both.

So, the question that remains readers, is are you going my way?

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The discovery of a new planet in the Milky Way Galaxy delighted both Aliens and Earthlings alike. To astronomers, they called it Decaorb, but to the Plutonians, they decided to call the orb, Flora, after the leader's Amma (otherwise known as mother in their alien language). But it did not matter to them what the heavenly body was to be called for, it was to be a safe haven. Yet, the two parties did not know indigenous carnivorous plants grew there. A top secret hidden from above; unfortunate circumstances that lay upon all who agitated the plants. And the carnivorous plants are just waiting for their next meal!

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"The sky is falling"! It's what a character named Chicken Little once said in a children's story. But literally what could that mean? Hail, rain pouring down from the clouds above. Comets and meteors falling from space. An explosion! Or worse, destruction! A sad day for all mankind. A risky outcome to explore! And there is no guarantee that anyone would come out alive!

 A risky outcome to explore! And there is no guarantee that anyone would come out alive!

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This novel is to accompany the short story I wrote called "Seeking an S.O.S." for the Watt-a-decade prompt in 2020, as I wanted to write a story about what occurred before the five prisoners were sent to space.

Please note that I am not that creative in inventing an alien language like Klingon spoken by Star Trek characters. Thus, my Plutonians will mainly speak English in this story. Yet, I imagine that they would speak in code or through their minds in a telepathic way.

I have created Alien words for the time being:

Appa = Papa
Amma = Mama
Pluton = child

And for those readers who do not know what S.O.S stands for, it's Morse Code for HELP !

(Save our Ship!)

(Save our Ship!)

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