Eugen: ara~ ara~ Looks like no one invited us.

Eugen called out to the shipgirls, but they ignored her.

Eugen: Hey, flat chest, I'm talking to you.

Still, they ignored her. This time she tried to grab Hipper's chest and maybe tease her for a little bit, but her hand went straight through.

Eugen: (scared) W-what?!

She then noticed someone familiar walk in.

(F) Eugen: ara~ ara~ Is my sister drinking too much?

(F) Hipper: I'm surprised you haven't teased me yet. Usually, that's the first thing you think of when seeing me.

(F) Eugen: I decided I should give you a day off. I've been too cruel in teasing you in front of our comrades. And since you're drinking, mind if I join?

(F) Hipper:....You know what.... I'm in a good mood. Nimi! One more, please.

(Hipper cute she needs more love)

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(Hipper cute she needs more love)

The two started wasting themselves with different types of alcohol, while unbeknownst to Blücher, Erika, Bismarck, and Tirpitz walked in.

(F) Bismarck: Looks like they are getting along

(F) Blücher: Oh! Lord Bismarck, I didn't see you there. Yes, they are getting along well.

Erika: Told you, Bismarck.

(F) Bismarck: Now I see what you mean.

Erika: On the outside, they seem to hate each other, but on the inside, they're like peas in a pod.

Eugen and Bismarck were shocked to see themselves for the second time but quieted down when the other Bismarck decided to make an announcement.

(F) Bismarck: I thank you all for coming today. We are not only celebrating the declaration of war against the allies, but we are celebrating new friends and family joining us here today. Especially the U-boats. Who knew someone so young could be so brave to face the unstoppable British navy that had so long been a thorn in our side? But now, we must defend all that we have created. War means the risk of some of our friends sinking, so I want you all to enjoy this day because who knows? This may be the last time we meet.

Prinz Eugen and Bismarck looked at their other selves, and they were washed with concern. Like it's a premonition. Eugen looked at the calendar to see the year is 1939

The whole cafeteria started to flicker, and time started going fast. Eugen and Bismarck were so disoriented that they almost tripped.

Eugen: Whhaaaat'ssss happpeeeennninggg!!!!????

Bismarck: IIIII dooooonn'tttt knowwww.....

They see time go by, shipgirls coming in and out, but as it went on, they realized that there were fewer people each day. Until it stopped with no one inside. Eugen looked at the calendar that she was holding again, but this time it said 1946. When someone came in, they both looked to see the other Eugen entering the cafeteria.

The Red Star and The Gray Ghost: Azur Lane x hearts of iron 4 crossoverМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя