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"Okay, so what movie are we watching first?" Kat asked while I walked into their movie room.

We're having a movie night tonight and I was honestly really excited for it.

Sadly though, it could only be me, Sam, Kat, and Colby. We had a pizza on the way while we picked out a movie.

"I wanna watch Scott Pilgrim!" Colby suggested happily. I look over at Kat to see she was rolling her eyes.

"You choose that every time." She groaned. I honestly loved seeing the two of them argue.

They truly did argue like siblings, which was entertaining. "It's a good movie!" He defended himself.

"It was good the first twenty times we watched it." Kat laughed. Sam walked in with drinks and snacks in his hand.

"Can you two stop arguing for ten minutes? Sheesh." Sam tossed everyone some snacks while sitting down.

We decided that we would all choose a movie to watch so everyone could watch what they want and not be upset.

Of course, Colby chose Scott Pilgrim. Kat chose Mama Mia, which is a good one.

Sam chose the first Hunger Games movie, which is a really good movie. The movie I chose was Eight Crazy Nights.

It's an underrated Adam Sandler movie that no one really talks about. Kian and I watch it all the time, and we also quote it.

We chose to watch Scott Pilgrim first to make Colby feel better. He was sitting to the right of me so I could hear him say the lines during the movie.

About halfway through, we had to pause it to get the pizza's. Once we were back in the movie room and comfortable, we started the movie again.

It was nice getting to spend time with three and have a chill movie night.

When Scott Pilgrim finished, we turned on Mama Mia. Kat and I sang almost every song that came on.

I really liked this movie. The boys weren't into it as much as we were but I still had fun watching it.

When we started the Hunger Games, I made myself comfortable on the chair. I had a blanket spread out over me to keep me warm.

As I watched the movie, I could feel something nudge my side. I look over to see Colby looking over towards me.

"Can I get under too?" He asked sweetly. I nodded my head while moving the blanket up.

He maneuvers under the blanket as we re-adjust on the couch. My head was laying on his chest while we laid there.

His arm was wrapped around me while he rubbed my back. The gesture of him rubbing my back helped soothe me.

The only thing keeping me awake is waiting to watch Crazy Eight Nights. By the time The Hunger Games finished, it was midnight.

I could tell most of everyone was starting to get tired so I got up from the couch. "I'm grabbing redbulls." I announce as I stalk to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and started scanning. "You need any help?" I hear Kat's voice ask.

I grabbed four redbulls, two in each hand. "I think I got it." I smiled as I close the fridge door.

I turned to see she was smirking towards me. "I know that face." I point out.

She gives me this face whenever she's scheming. "I just noticed how you and Colby were cuddling." She smiled happily.

I rolled my eyes towards the pink haired girl. "Have fun with your thoughts." I wave her off.

I go back to the movie room and hand them to everyone. I lay down next to Colby, getting comfortable.

When Kat walked back into the room, it was time to watch Eight Crazy Nights.

It's the last movie but it's one of my favorites. The three looked at me weirdly whenever I sang the words to Technical Foul.

When the song finished, I looked at them while blushing. "Kian and I used to watch this all the time." I shrug.

Kat ended up falling asleep during the movie which didn't surprise me.

As the movie came closer to the end, I could feel my eyes start to get heavier.

I just felt so calm in Colby's arms and the way he rubbed my back soothed me.

Eventually, I could feel myself start to fall asleep, but I could subconsciously hear everything.

"Looks like we're the last two." Sam whispered over to Colby. "Yeah, I think she just fell asleep." Colby was talking about me.

I wonder what they're going to say. "You two seem pretty close." I'm not surprised he's saying this.

I do wonder what Colby's going to say. "She's just a friend." He shot down any thoughts that could be circling in his head.

It was silent for a moment. "You're telling me that with her laying on you asleep that she's just a friend?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, she's not my type." That shit hurt. Just being friends is one thing, but not being someone's type is on another level.

I don't even know why I'm hurt, it's not like I had feelings for him.

I just know I'm in an awkward position. I know for a fact, I don't want to sleep here anymore.

But if I suddenly wake up upset, it's gonna look weird. I just lay here, not knowing what to do.

When I heard the movie end, they turned their tv off. Colby moved under me so I took this as the perfect opportunity.

I started to move around a little bit and opened my eyes. It was super dark in here now.

I sat up from laying on Colby and looked down at him. He was looking at me confused.

"Did I wake you?" He asked. If only he knew. "No. What time is it?" I ask him.

He looks at his phone and tells me that it's almost two in the morning.

I sigh while I look around at everything. "I better get going." I stand up and start to stretch.

When I look over at Colby, he was pouting towards me. "Kylie, it's late. You can stay here if you want to." He offered.

That's the thing, I don't want to stay here. I need to go home and think about what he said.

I scrunch my nose towards him and shake my head. "I should get home. Heather's staying with Harrison so I should stay at the apartment."

It was a lie but he doesn't need to know that. He sits up and follows me out to the car.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I don't know why he's being pushy. I just know that I need to keep saying no.

Then I won't get hurt or led on. "Yeah. I'll text you when I get home." He nods his head.

I get into my car and start to drive away. I'm happy I heard him say now before I did catch feelings.

With the girls hyping up a relationship sparking between us, I honestly was thinking that something could've happened.

I'm happy that I know Colby's true intentions with everything. Hell, I'd rather have Colby as a friend in my life than not at all.

When I drove home, I went straight to my room. I changed clothes and curled up into bed.

I went to bed thinking about how I'm not Colby's type.

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