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"Kylie, come take another shot with me!" Colby said in my ear over the bass of the music.

I scrunch my nose towards him and shook my head. "I've already had six!" I say back.

Colby made a noise with his mouth and shrugged me off. "Please? For me?" He sticks out his bottom lip.

I can never say no to his pouty lip and he knows it. That's why he used it on me. I sigh and get off the couch.

I follow him closely to the kitchen. This was my typical Friday night. Going to parties or bars with Colby Brock.

I haven't known him for a long time but the years I have known him have been fun.

I met him three years ago, in twenty-nineteen, when him and his best friend Sam filmed a video with my brother and Jc Caylen.

Ever since then, the two of us clicked and we've been super close. He's probably the closest guy I'm friends with.

Jc is like an older brother, alongside Kian. Growing up with Kian was definitely an experience.

Since we were close in age, we're super close. When him and Sam Pottorff started making videos, I used to join them.

I helped them make all their music videos, and I always thought it was fun.

It was cool growing up with everyone from O2L. Trevi and I were the same age so that always made me feel better.

Since I was in their older videos, and their reality house series, I have a decent following on instagram.

I wouldn't say I'm like them where I'm famous, but I do enjoy streaming with my brother and his friends.

Hell, they're basically my friends too. I'm just thankful they introduced me to Colby.

I've never clicked with someone as fast as I did with Colby. We're basically together all the time.

I look down to see Colby had his hand stretched out for me to grab through the crowd of people.

I don't know why Sam and Colby decided to throw this party tonight but there's a shit ton of people here.

When we finally reach the kitchen, Colby pours us a couple shots. He smiles over towards me while raising it up.

"Cheers to my best friend." I smiled towards him. I cheered back and down the burning liquid.

I loved these parties. They're honestly super fun. We took a couple shots together, the alcohol starting to come into system.

I went to Colby and wrapped my arms around him. "You okay, Kylie?" He asked rubbing my back.

I nodded my head into his chest. "I'm okay, Colbear." I smile. As we stood in the kitchen, one of my favorite songs started playing.

I gasp when I hear Mr. Brightside start playing. "I need to find Heather!" I excitedly yell. I pull away from Colby and run to Heather.

Heather is one of my closest girl friends. We live in our apartment together and I love it.

"Bitch, it's our song!" She was clearly drunk. I stumble to her and grab onto her.

The both of us started screaming the lyrics. We started dancing like no one could see us.

I could defiently feel the alcohol in my system. "You suck ass at dancing." Kian made fun when he walked passed.

I made sure to flip my brother off causing him to laugh. The more we hung out and drank, the more drunk I felt.

It was starting to get late so everyone started leaving. Everyone but the main group.

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