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I woke up with the biggest headache ever. I for sure drank way too much last night.

As I lay there, all the memories came flooding back. I didn't have to open my eyes to see how bright it was.

When I opened my eyes, I recognized where I was. I was laying in Kian's bed. He must've passed out somewhere else.

I checked my phone to see it was almost noon. I sat up in bed, putting my head in my hands.

As I sat there thinking about everything I remember from last night, his door opened.

I look up to see Kian walking in. He had on sweat pants and he was shirtless.

I could tell his hair was wet so I guess he just got out of the shower. "Hey, how're you feeling?" He asked.

I just groan, feeling like shit. "I think I fucked up last night." I rasp towards him. He furrowed his eyebrows towards me.

"What are you talking about?" He asked me. He came over and sat next to me.

I start thinking of everything. "Last night, a bunch of us started playing truth or dare. Devonte dared me to kiss Andy so I did it."

He scrunched his nose at the thought of his sister kissing one of his friends. He didn't say anything which is good.

"After, Colby got pissed and walked away, causing us to fight. We've never fought before." I tell Kian.

I looked into his dark brown eyes, and he looked sad for me. He knows how good of friends we are.

"Everybody fights, Kylie." He starts out. Kian may joke around a lot, but he has his sweet moments.

"You two are basically together everyday. He can't be mad for long." He gives me advice.

I sigh while thinking about it. "I just want to know why he got so upset over some harmless dare?" I think out loud.

I look over towards my brother to see him looking at me. He looked like he knew something that I didn't.

"Maybe it wasn't harmless to him." Kian vaguely told me while shrugging. The way Kian made it sound, it sounded like Colby had feelings hidden for me.

I know it's not true though. We've talked about dating and relationships, and he doesn't like me like that.

Hell, I don't like Colby like that. We're just best friends. Kian started shaking his head.

"I don't know though, Kylie. You know him better than I do." He admits to me.

I just shake my head towards him. It was quiet for a moment, we didn't really know what to say.

"Harrison's making breakfast if you want some." Kian offered as he stood up. I nodded my head towards him.

"I'll be there in a minute." I tell him. He grabs a shirt and puts it on. He walked out of the room, leaving me alone.

I look at myself in the mirror and I look like an absolute mess. I had on sweats and a hoodie so I guess I changed last night.

My hair was a mess and my makeup was smeared. I looked like how I felt, really shitty.

I pulled my phone out to see if Colby had texted. There's nothing from him. I know I shouldn't, but I start typing.

I tell him how I'm sorry and if we could talk. When the message is sent, I walk out of the room, the smell of food hitting me.

I walk into the living room to see everyone's awake. Andy is sitting on the couch, his eyes closed.

He looked like he was super hungover. I went over and sat next to him. He rose his head up and looked at me.

"Hell of a party, huh?" He asked causing me to nod my head. I check my phone even though it's only been a couple minutes.

Still no message from Colby. He hasn't even opened it yet. "He won't respond to you?" I guess he was looking over my shoulder.

I sit my phone down and shake my head no. He frowns towards me. "He looks like a bloke anyway." He shrugs, trying to joke.

I don't say anything, I just rest my head on the arm rest of the couch. Ten minutes go by and Harrison finishes breakfast.

We all sit at the table to have a family breakfast. Everyone talked about the party last night and how dope it was.

As everyone talked about it, I couldn't help but stay quiet, the thought of Colby on my mind.

I wish we didn't fight and he wasn't shutting me out. After eating, I took some Advil so my head could feel better.

Jc, Harrison, and Andy ended up leaving so it was just Kian, Bobby, Crawford, Heather and myself.

They were in their rooms while Heather and I were on the couch, watching reality shows.

I check my phone for maybe the hundredth time in the past twenty minutes.

"He still hasn't messaged you?" Heather asked me. I frown while shaking my head. "I fucked up." I sadly tell her.

She shook her head, keeping her eyes on the Tv. "Don't worry, he'll get over it soon." She assures me.

Heather and I spent most of the day at Kian's, trying to rest our hangovers. We left around eight that night, only because we wanted to shower.

I didn't lay down until almost ten thirty that night with nothing from Colby still.

As I laid there, I texted the group chat with the girls. I told them how I was worried about Colby after everything.

Stas says she hasn't really talked to anyone today because her hangover has been really rough.

Kat told me how he's locked himself in his room all day so she hasn't really seen him.

The only time he's came out was to get food. I feel stupid that I keep trying to contact him and he's not messaging me back.

I woke up the next day and I still haven't heard from Colby. I figured he was going to pout for a couple days and I'm tired of waiting for a text.

Heather said she wanted to hang out with me today so we went to the mall so we could buy some new clothes.

We spent the whole day at the mall, and it helped take my mind off of the whole Colby situation.

I got a bunch of new outfits and jewelry. I couldn't help but go to a book store and getting a couple books I wanted.

I guess since Colby won't respond to me, I'm going to have more time to read.

When I get home, I streamed for a couple hours with Kian and Devonte, him not remembering much of the other night.

When I get off stream with everyone, I finished a book and picked up another one.

I kept getting distracted when I read, my mind wondering about Colby.

I kept thinking if he was okay. In the past three years of being best friends with him, this is the longest we've gone without talking.

I didn't realize how attached I was to him. I'm so used to texting him either all day or spending time with him all day.

It's weird not having him burst into my room randomly with food and him complaining about how much pink clothes I wear.

He hasn't responded to me in forty eight hours, and it's already been forty eight hours too long.

I honestly miss him so much.

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