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"Hey, Kylie. I wasn't expecting to see you today." Jc smiled when I walked into his house.

Him and Ryan Abe were hanging out in the living room. I shrugged as I walked over towards them.

Barrie was running towards me with his tail wagging. "Yeah, I figured I'd come hang out." I tell him while joining them on the couch.

They both look at me suspiciously. "Any reason why you showed up?" Ryan questioned.

Usually I ask before I come and hang out. I've just been so stressed this past week, I figured I'd just stop by.

It's been a week since the whole dare situation with Colby. A whole week without him stopping by or hearing from him.

I've tried everything to apologize to Colby and ask him to talk to me. I've recently given up, not knowing what else to do.

Usually Colby can help my anxiety. If I start getting it, he comes over and help, but since he shut me out, it won't leave.

I tried everything but one thing, which is why I came over to Jc's. "I was wondering if you wanted to have a smoke sesh and hang out."

Both boys turned to look at me with the same expression on their face. "Since when do you smoke?" Ryan asked while sitting up.

"I don't. I just figured it'll help my anxiety." I look between both of the boys.

"Does Kian know you're coming over to smoke?" Jc asked getting protective.

He had his eyebrows furrowed towards me. "I'm twenty-four. I love Kian, but I don't need his permission." I defend myself.

"Damn, sassy much?" Ryan joked towards me, making Jc laugh a little bit.

I roll my eyes towards him. "I'm sorry. Ever since Colby stopped talking to me, I've been stressed out."

The two boys looked in between each other. "He's still not talking to you?" Ryan asked while I nodded my head.

I could feel myself start to tear up a little bit, the knot forming in my throat.

"I fucked up that night." My voice broke a little bit. Ryan looked at me sadly as Jc stood up.

He said he was getting his weed and we're smoking. "You and Colby are best friends. He can't be mad forever." Ryan reassures me.

I've heard that so many times. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard that this week, I'd have a hundred ones.

Ryan and I talked on the couch while Jc walked back in with his weed. "I'll teach you how to hit it and everything." Jc smiles.

He lays his weed on the paper and starts to roll the paper. Once it's ready, he lit the end of it and brought it up to his lips.

He hit it a couple times and then handed it to me. I brought it to my lips and inhaled the smoke.

The burning of the smoke made me start coughing, and I couldn't stop.

Ryan laughed a little as Jc took it back. The two of us passed it back and forth, inhaling the smoke.

Ryan smoked from his Dab Pen so he wasn't completely alone. By the last hit, I was starting to feel the effect.

I leaned back on the couch, my body feeling relaxed. This is exactly what I needed.

"Let me know if you wanna smoke another, I am." Jc was rolling another one.

This is the first time I've felt calm in a week. "You feeling okay, Kylie?" I nodded my head.

All of a sudden, as I sat there, I started to get hungry. "You guys got food?" Jc laughed a little bit.

"I already doordashed Subway." I made sure to high five him. Jc smoked the other one while we sat there.

"Why is it called a building if it's already built?" I ask the two. After I asked it, I started giggling a little bit.

"I never thought of that!" Ryan sat there and thought about it. Jc was just shaking his head towards us.

So many thoughts were coming to my mind. "If two vegans are arguing, is it still considered beef?" I ask out loud.

Ryan snorted with laughter while Jc shook his head. "Shut your ass up." Jc laughed at us.

Ryan then sat up and looked at us. "Do you smell that?" He asked looking at us.

I furrowed my eyebrows towards him. "Smell what?" Jc asked looking at him.

"Deez nuts?" I started busted out laughing. I had tears rolling down my face.

The delivery person dropped off our food so we calmed down and ate.

Smoking with the two boys actually helped a lot. That's the thing I love about my brother's friends.

They don't see me as Kian's little sister. They see me as my own person. They also all collectively see me as their little sister.

That title came later though. I hung out with the two all day, and it was honestly really fun.

Jc gave me some more weed for later before I left. He taught me how to roll a blunt so if I needed it, I could do it.

I made sure to thank him for letting me hang out and smoke with them. When I felt okay to drive, I drove back to the apartment.

When I walk in, Heather, Sam, Stas, and Kat were surprisingly here.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed to see Colby wasn't here. They all turned to look at me.

I shove the bag of weed in my hoodie pocket so they wouldn't ask questions. "Hey, I wasn't expecting you guys here." I say to them.

I haven't really seen them much since Colby and I fought. "Yeah, we were having a little pizza and wine night." Stas smiled.

I looked over at Heather to see her mouthing that she's sorry.

Even though I had Subway, I was still hungry. I bent over the coffee table and grabbed a slice of pizza.

While I bit into it, I joined them on the couch. I looked to see they were watching Kardashians.

"Where were you at?" Kat asked curiously. My high was starting to wear off.

"I was hanging out with Jc and Ryan Abe." I inform them. I left out some details but it didn't matter.

When I finished the pizza, I noticed my eyes were irritated. "I'll be right back." I stood up and went to my room so I could get eye drops.

I dug through my night stand drawer so I could find it. "Hey, Kylie. Can we talk?" I hear Sam's voice from the door.

I nodded my head while grabbing the eye drops. As I turn around, he was closing the door.

"I just wanted to apologize for the way Colby's been acting." He apologizes.

When I put the eye drops in, I sit on my bed, patting the spot next to me.

He came over and sat next to me. "You don't have to apologize for Colby's actions. It's not your fault he's being a dick."

He laughs a little at my choice of words which surprises me. "He is being a dick, huh?" I nodded my head towards him.

"Just cause he's being a dick, it doesn't mean he doesn't care about you." Sam starts off.

Sam knows exactly what to say. "He's my best friend, I know him more than anyone." He explains.

"You know how his fans are, they're so protective, he's afraid to let any girl in his life that's more than romantic." He explains.

The fans are either super hateful or ship him with anyone. He hasn't had a girlfriend in years.

"It doesn't make sense why he would shut me out because of me kissing Andy." I think out loud.

I study Sam's face. It's like he knows something I don't, and he doesn't want to say too much.

"It will sooner or later. Just give him some time." Talking to Sam about this shit always makes me feel better.

I love his therapy sessions.

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