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"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I laugh towards Andy. He was currently hanging out with me in my apartment.

Colby is currently out with Sam and everyone else is busy. I messaged Andy to see what he was doing and he said he was down to hang out.

He just shrugged while looking at me. "Hey, what's going on with my brother and your roommate. Heather, right?" He asked.

"I haven't talked to Harry about it but I think she likes him." I inform him. Even though Andy is younger than me, he's always cool to hang with.

He's also glowed up in past year which is crazy. "We should set them up mate." He happily told me.

"Andy, no. We can't meddle in their love life." I laugh towards him. He laughs a little towards me too.

Before he could say anything else, my phone started ringing. I look to see it was Colby.

"Put it on speaker." Andy told me when I answered the phone. I did what he said and put it on speaker.

I could hear loud music playing in the background. Looks like he went out with Sam.

"Kylie!" I hear him yell. I furrow my eyebrows towards Andy as he smiles towards me.

"How much have you drank?" I ask him. He was silent for a moment. "Whiskey." Andy started giggling towards him.

I looked over at the British boy. "Who are you with?" Colby asked, his tone shifting.

"I'm hanging out with Andy." I tell him nonchalantly. He was silent again, and then he hung up.

I look at my phone weirdly and then look at Andy. "That was strange." He pointed out.

"Has he ever done that before?" He asked me. I shook my head no, a little confused.

"No, his phone probably died or something." I shrug. I wasn't too worried about it.

Andy and I hang out for most of the night together. He ended up leaving though so I have the apartment for myself.

I tried to read before laying down but I was worried about Colby. I was just curious to know why he would hang up after I told him about Andy.

I didn't hear from him for the rest of the night either. The next day, I figured I could bring food over to the boys.

I know they must be very hungover. I put on leggings and a light pink hoodie knowing it was still cold outside.

I put my hair in a messy bun when I leave the apartment. They're publishing today so I figured I could watch with them.

I went to Canes knowing it might be easiest on their stomachs. I got us all food and drove over to their house.

Once there, I walk in with the bag of food. I heard them talking in the living room so I went there.

They were sitting on the couch. "Hopefully you guys are hungry." I grab both of their attentions.

They both looked at me shocked, a small smile coming to their faces.

"You're seriously the best." Sam hyped me up. I went over and sat next to Colby so I can hand out the food.

"Seriously, what would I do without you?" Colby smiles towards me.

Kat came down which made me feel better that I got her food. We all ate together and watched their new video.

It was the Bellaire house with Seth Borden. I think it's super cool how he's related to Lizzie Borden.

I love watching the boys videos. You can tell how much they changed and got better.

The whole episode was really good, and it might be one of my favorites so far.

Honestly, I was a little sad it was over only because I was so into it.

"That one was great." I hype them up. They both smiled and thanked me.

I looked over at Colby to see him stretching. I could see he was tired with the dark circles under his eyes.

"I'm gonna go shower really quick." Colby announced to everyone. He got up from the couch and left us all.

Once out of earshot, I turned over towards Sam. "Did Colby act okay last night when he got off the phone with me?" I ask.

He furrows his eyebrows towards me. "What do you mean?" He asked towards me.

"He called me last night and when I told him I was hanging out with Andy, he hung up on me." I explain.

He thought about what to say for a moment. "I honestly have no idea, I was shitfaced by that moment." He tells me.

I frown for a moment and shrug it off. I don't want to think too much about it and it doesn't mean anything.

I hang out with Kat and Sam while Colby showers. I spent most of the day hanging out with them.

Kian wanted me to stream with him so I left the house around eight that night.

When I get to my apartment, I went straight to my room. I put my headset on and started streaming.

I played with Kian for a couple hours, playing fortnite and honestly having a blast.

Devonte eventually hopped on so we did a couple trio games.

When I got of stream, Colby started calling me. "What's up loser?" I ask him when I answer it.

I could tell he was rolling his eyes. "I love how that's how you answer the phone." He teases me.

I sit on my bed, putting the phone on the speaker. "Really though, what's up?" I ask more seriously.

"I'm fine. I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow." He suggested.

I sat there for a moment, trying to think about if I have plans. "I don't think I have plans tomorrow." I think out loud.

"Good, don't plan anything. We're hanging out." I couldn't help but giggle at him.

"What do you have planned?" I question. I could feel him start to smirk a little bit through the phone.

"I guess you'll just see tomorrow when I come to pick you up. Be ready at noon." He speaks.

Before I could say anything, he hung up on me. I look at my phone for a moment and shook my head.

I read a couple chapters of my book, finished it, and fell asleep. I woke up around ten that morning and got up.

I took a quick shower, making sure to wash everything. Once out, I brush my hair and braid it.

I go to my closet to find something to wear. I decided to put something casual, putting on acid washed jeans and a light pink sweater.

When I finished my make up, Colby said he was here. I grabbed my purse, keys, and phone and walk out of the apartment.

When I go down there, I see Colby waiting in his car. He dropped his phone when he saw me climb in.

He scanned my body really quick which made me nervous. "What?" I ask curious.

He just shook his head while starting to drive away. "I just didn't realize how much pink you had."

I furrowed my eyebrows towards him. "Says the one whose whole closet is just black." I come back towards him.

He rolled his eyes towards me. "Yeah, you got me there." I looked around to see it was a nice day.

There were only a couple clouds in the sky and it was sunny. "So, what did you have planned for me today, Brock?" I ask.

I turn to look over towards him. "I just didn't want to run errands alone." I wasn't even surprised by it.

It didn't bother me though, I didn't have any plans. I loved hanging out with Colby.

He's really my best friend.

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