My feet and the quicksand

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After sleeping comfortable in Froggy's belly, I had again energy to keep going on my ticklish journey "I met lots of friends yesterday. I wonder what will happen today. Maybe I will find the exit, who knows. And probably I would never see Hunter again. He seemed sad about that". While thinking about that, I found my feet stuck again somewhere "Golly, where am I now?". I wasn't able to move them at all, as I found myself being sucked in the quicksand.

After my feet, my ankles too were sucked in the sand "This might be a problem, with my big feet stuck here, I can't move". A familiar voice replied "You seem in trouble, Matt?". I looked where to voice came from "Hunter! It's nice to see you again. Well, my feet are stuck in the quicksand, so...". "Ahah, don't worry. I was just traveling through the forest and I found you. Do you feel something on your soles?". I started feeling something "Ahahah, ehehehy, I'm being tickled! By whahahat?". "All the sand is tickling you while you are being sucked in". "Ahahahah, you are right!". I felt the sand going under my soles and tickling my sensitive feet.

I kept laughing as I was being sucked more and more there "Ahahahah, I didn't know sand could be so ticklish, Hunter!". "It is, believe me. And with suck big soft meaty feet like yours". The sand was going between all my ten toes "Ohohohoh my gohohohohd! I wasn't expecting to be stuck in such funny quicksand ever!". Hunter blushed "You are so cute when you laugh, Matt. Do you maybe need a hand to get out of there?". "Ahahahah, I don't know! Whahahat's under the sand?". "I have no idea either, probably your feet will be tickled forever! Let me help you".

Hunter helped me getting out of there "These sands tickled me so much...". "It was a beautiful sight. I wonder what will happen to your feet next, Matt". "Oh, I have no idea. But I am having lots of fun". He blushed and gave me another kiss on the cheek "Have a nice journey. I hope to see you again!". I smiled "Ok, Hunter. Bye!". After that, we went different ways, as I got deeper in the Tickling Forest.

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