On there way to the next City

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The previous chapter, Ash, Misty and Brock arrived and meet Bill who was turned a Nidorino after his invention went haywire.

After they got his body back they went his lighthouse and find the mysterious gigantic sized Pokemon, a Dragonite.

But they were attacked by Team Rocket lead by Proton, One of Team Rocket Executives. But it was stopped hard by Ash safely kept the Dragonite getting hurt.

The Dragonite sadly disappear to the ocean but all things to consider that It was safe and got away from Team Rocket. Misty's recently caught Krabby evolved into Kingler and Brock's Geodude evolved into Graveller

After that, Bill gives Ash an Eevee making the 7th Pokemon he caught in his roster.

Now let's get back to the story where he next journey to Vermillion City...


Cerulean City, Pokemon Center

Everyone in there having time relaxing with they're Pokemon and having breakfast to start off the day.

Brock made Pokemon food which he has Graveler to have taste test with the new recipe
he created.

"Here Graveler, Try some of my new Pokemon food recipe" Brock give a piece of Pokemon food which Graveler takes one and munches it

Graveler continues to munch on the food and seems to enjoy the taste

"Is it good?" The Graveler gives him a smile of satisfaction

For where Ash and Misty is, They are chilling around the Center's lounge.

Ash is brushing his Eevee with a brush and she seems to enjoying it
"How is it Eevee?"

Misty then questions Ash "Hey Ash, What Pokemon you swapped with Eevee for"

He answers to the water type trainer "Well I swap my Raticate for Eevee, It's at Professor's Pokemon Ranch"

"A Pokemon Ranch?"

"Yep, He has ranch to keep the Pokemon have some fun outside, My dad occasionally works there to keep them in check"

"Oh that's good to know"

Ash uses his Pokedex to check Eevee with the Summary function
[This Eevee is Female, Ability: Adaptability, Known moves are: Helping Hand, Swift, Take Down, Swift and Bite, It's only known Egg Move is Wish]

("Another Wish user huh")

"Hey everyone I brought breakfast" Brock calls out with trays of food already at the table

Ash and Misty join Brock with breakfast later on leaves the Pokemon Center for there journey.


Once they are done, They began to finally start heading to Vermillion but...

"Hey my wallet!" Yelled Officer Jenny having a Meowth stole her wallet from her pocket

"Meowth meow!" The wild Meowth just snickered and blows a raspberry to Jenny

The Meowth dashes off with the wallet in its mouth

Ash's Alternate Journey: Kanto Indigo Leagueحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن