An important announcement

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So you where wondering about the S.S Anne chapter after all these months.

Well sorry to say this but I decided to discontinued this fanfic now.

The reasons cuz I lost motivation in writing and I'm busy with school too.
And thinking back of the writing and story...I wanted to change everything as in change the whole story.

Like changed Ash (Sad he's got to go) to something normal? Not like an OP MC with random stuff I added (Someone commented that he's a combination of him and Clemont)

So yeah, Thinking to write a book of Pokemon and wanted to change some things. I've been playing some games with interesting stories like FGO and got some ideas sent to my head.
Even though it's tiresome to rewrite a whole season that I couldn't write a single chapter in a day.

Ash's Alternate Journey: Kanto Indigo LeagueTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon