Trouble around Viridian City

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Rain has began dropping the clouds as Ash walks out Route 1, Nearly getting to the city.

Ash decided to find shelter until the rain stop so he decided to stay in a hollow tree trunk which it fits for the boy.

('Wonder when will the storm end') thought Ash as he sits inside the trunk with his team next to him

They waited as rain continues until sunlight began to rise as rain die down.
A rainbow appeared from the sky which includes a golden bird soaring through the sky glimmer like gold.
"Woah" he was amazed of the sight same for his Squirtle and Rattata

He pointed his Pokedex which it responds:
He knows it was Ho-oh, the legendary Rainbow Pokemon and it's origins which is very rare to see one in person

Waisted no time as the rain is gone he return his two Pokemon to they're Pokeballs as he continue to progress to the city.

*insert Kricketune's fantastic cry*

Viridian City, Kanto

They arrived at the city but at the police outpost, Officer Jenny was telling the citizens about rumored thieves stealing other Pokemon
and advising to lookout anyone suspicious.

The green haired women, Officer Jenny, walks to Ash for inspection. The Pallet boy knew what she was doing and gives his Pokédex which contains his official I.D to her hand.
Officer Jenny nodded of his identification and gives back his Pokedex to the trainer and let him pass through the gate. She also remind him about thieves which he needed to be careful around them especially what they are.
Before his journey, He spent his days in his room with his computer which includes hacking into secret sites and gaining info which the thieves she talks about are Team Rocket.
He also they're boss which is Giovanni and ironically he is Gym Leader in Viridian City which he specialized in Ground Types.
He also knows his messed up stuff he did such as an experimented created to be "Strongest Pokemon" which is Mewtwo, leaving his son like any dad for excuse to get milk and murder of a mother Marowak caused by his grunts while trying to protect her child. He is also knew they're experiments from they're crazy scientists and he had fun by making they're devices explode from his hacking skills.
Honestly they're boss has a punchable face tho

But enough of that stuff for now, He needed to get to the Pokemon Center to heal up his tram and do an errand for the Professor.

As he finally reach the glass doors of the healing center, He approach to the desk worked by a pink haired women wearing a nurse uniform which is Nurse Joy and the region's nurse companion, Chansey.
A.K.A Every special offense Pokemon's nightmare with HUMONGOUS HP and SpDef which will stall the hell out of you and also more infuriating if held an Eviolite. So hope you have an available Physical Offense Mon
(Unless it successfully setup with her partner-in-crime, Shuckle in Doubles)

('I gotta get one of those') thought Ash which he settled on getting her from the Safari Zone

"Hello sir, What is it you need?" She greeted the newcomer with a smile

"I would like to heal my Pokemon to they're full shape, I have an errand to do" He tells to nurse as he place his two Pokeballs to the reception which she nodded

"Okay be sure to go back to get your Pokemon in return"

Ash nodded and starts heading to the Viridian City Pokemart and luckily its nearby which we will be a walk in a park.

He enter the blue glowing building and saw a man which is the Store's clerk.
He spotted the raven haired boy coming in which he recognize the one to deliver the package

Ash's Alternate Journey: Kanto Indigo LeagueDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora