Chapter 24: Reconciliation

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Dinah fell to her knees and did her best not to vomit.

"Told ya," Percy said cheekily,

"That...what the hell was that?" Dinah asked as Percy gently helped her to her feet.

"Mist-travel," Percy explained, as he led the way out of the alley they had appeared in.

"And what is that?" Dinah asked, then blinked in surprise, "And when the hell did you change?" Percy was no longer wearing the armor, but instead was back in his street clothes.

"Divine Magic," Percy said by way of explanation as he led them into an open field,

"That's such a bullshit answer," Dinah snorted,

"Then don't ask a bullshit question," Percy retorted, before stopping in the middle of the field,

"Where are are we by the way?" Dinah asked, looking around. It looked as though they were standing in the middle of a field. Pulling up her specs via her contacts, she pulled a map of their location and blinked in surprise,

"We're in Salem?" She said,

"Kent had a sense of humor," Percy said, and gestured for her to hand over the key. Dinah did so, somewhat reluctantly,

" where is the Tower supposed to be? And I though it was in New Orleans." She asked, Percy took the key from her and turned his back to her,

"Normally you're right, and the tower follows the owner, however the owner of the Tower can key it into a fixed location. should something happen to them." Percy explained, "As for where it is right now? It's right in front of you," He thrust the key into the air. There was a sudden click, as though it had been thrust into a lock. "You just weren't looking close enough," There was a reverberation in the air, and Dinah blinked in surprise as a large stone tower materialized out of nowhere.

"Magic is bullshit," She muttered,

"Preaching to the converted," Percy said, as he pushed open the door, and gestured for her to enter to Tower. "After you," She just glared at him and walked into the Tower. Percy just chuckled and followed her lead. The door closed behind Percy, then disappeared completely.

"Um, should we be worried about that?" She asked, noting that they were now trapped,

"Nah," Percy said dismissively, "I know my way around here pretty well."

"Welcome to the Tower of Fate," Said a voice behind them. Turning, Dinah's eyes widened. Floating a few feet off the ground an image of the late Kent Nelson, looking every bit the man she had known, aside from the slight golden glow surrounding him.

"What is your purpose here?" The image of Kent asked,

Percy reached into the duffel bag he was carrying and withdrew the helm, "We're here to return the Helm to its rightful place."

The image nodded, then faded. Right when Dinah was about to ask what they should do, there was a strange sound, as the far wall literally dissolved into nothingness, revealing an enormous set of stairs. It looked a hell of a lot like that M.C. Escher painting. Dinah just stared as Percy began walking towards the staircase.

"Going to just stand there gawking, or you gonna join me?" Percy called back, and Dinah shook her head and jogged after him. She couldn't help herself but stare in slack-jawed awe around her. She had seen magic in person, and had spent years fighting alongside Zatara, but this was something else entirely.

"First time?" Percy chuckled, as he looked at her in amusement.

"Gio's good...but I don't think even he's capable of this," She said softly,

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