Chapter 4: Making Friends

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Groaning, Percy leaned back in his chair, rubbing tiredly at his eyes. He had been staring at paperwork for the last three hours, and while he had put s serious dent in it, there was still a stack left to be done. Next to him, he heard his partner groan and begin shuffling papers of her own. Seeing her stand up, he asked,

"You calling it?"

She nodded, checking her watch, "I got a date in half an hour and honestly," she looked banefully at the stack of papers and reports, "We can get the rest of this taken care of in the morning."

Percy nodded, "I uh, I think I'm going to stick around for a few minutes, try and hammer through the penthouse papers before I turn in. Meet up for breakfast tomorrow? Establish a battle plan?" he asked,

She nodded and smiled, "There's a cop diner a block from here called Mulley's, be there at seven?"

"Sounds good," he smiled back, turning back to his paperwork, "And have fun tonight, don't do anyone I wouldn't"

"Don't you mean anything?" she laughed over shoulder,

"I know what I said," he shot back, and her laugh carried her out of the station.

He only lasted another thirty minutes before he finally had to call it in. Checking his watch, he got up, collected his things before shutting his monitor and station light off. Stopping briefly at the station desk he greeted the night-shift sergeant, "Hey there," he said, extending a hand out and briefly shaking the woman's hand, "Detective Percy Jackson, I just transferred in from Metropolis."

The sergeant, a pretty redhead with deep green eyes and a sporting of freckles, smiled back at him, "Officer Mullens, pleasure to meet you detective,"

He retracted his hand of shake and waved a hand vaguely behind him, "So this is literally my first day in Gotham and I'm still trying to get a lay of the land so to speak, any good gyms in the area?" he asked, he'd had to make do with his apartment's gym that morning and the facility hadn't had any free weights or bags. While he was never one to shirk off his cardio, running alone wouldn't keep him in fighting shape.

She frowned in thought and sat back a little in her chair, "Closest is 'hard knocks' but probably want to stay away from there," she said thoughtfully, furrowing his brow Percy asked why and the Mullens grew a little sheepish, "They're not the friendliest towards us blue backs." she said, "Oh, but Wildcat Gym is just a few blocks from here. My father is a friend of Ted's, the owner, he's good people. Former boxer, has a good setup, just let him know I sent you, he'll hook you up." she said, smiling brightly,

Percy flashed her a charming smile, "Thanks officer-"

"Anna" she cut across him, blushing slightly,

Chuckling, Percy amended, "Thanks Anna, I appreciate it." he tapped her desk and turned around, "Have a good night,"

"Good night detective," she called out,

Percy smiled over his shoulder, "My friends call me Percy," and he opened the door to the cool autumn evening.


The gym was a little run down, an older building built into the lower level of an older and vacated office building. Percy hoisted his gym bag a little higher onto his shoulder as he stepped in. There was a small desk in what was supposed to be a pseudo waiting area. There was an older man behind the counter, in his late sixties with patchwork graying hair, and a spattering of facial hair. Looking down at his arms, Percy caught sight of the globe shaped tattoo on the man's forearm,

He was slouched back in his chair, mouth agape, and snoring lightly with a copy of 'Military Heritage', propped up in his lap. Smirking, Percy slouched against the counter. Raising his hand he slammed it heavily against the counter. The loud smack jerked the aging man out of his sleep. Choking lightly on his own spit, he sat upright sputtering.

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