Boboiboy Lunar (Part 2)

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Here's a part 2

"We countinued where we left on" Azalea said to them."Wait, before we countinued, boboiboy?" Ochobot call bbb and hes said Yes. "Do you have a bully?" "Umm..N-No?" Bbb lies to them "Lies" They all said in unison and bbb flinced "we know that you have a bully name Hariz, right?"yaya said

"Ho-how did you kn-know?1" Bbb asked them "Well we watch them when you're busy cooking" Ochobet said. "So boboiboy, why did you just lied to us?" yaya asked bbb. "Well...I don't want you guys to worried about me. Bbb explain to them.

"Well even if you don't want us to worried we still going to worried about your health boboiboy" tokaba said to his grandson.

"Im sorry Tok aba" . "Its okay, but you still need to tell us okay" . "okay." Bbb said
"okay guys lets countinued" Azalea said.

(A/N): Ugh you know what, Im going to make this a story so you guys will understand more of how boboiboy Lunar awakend T_T)

Everyday Hariz and the geng will always bully boboiboy when he's out of his house.

Bbb:(sigh) It has been a week since they started to bully me, and each time they bully me if always to extreme like beat me with a baseball, stab me with a knife and sometime they will torture me. l don't even have any friend here and it has been really lonely

"WHAT!! that is to far on bulling people!" mechabot said. "Bbb tell me that they didn't do this to you?" Amato said to Bbb as the other start to look at the father and son.

But bbb just look a way not facing his father as the other became so shock at this. Their Brother/Son/friend/Cadet/hero has been treated like this and no one has ever notice about it at all.

"Mom didn't you say that playing with a knife is dangerous but why is he play with it?" A little boy asked his mother. "it is dangerous because you can get hurt by playing with it."The mother said to her son.

"Boboiboy, why didn't you tell me and how did you hide all of that injuries from me?!" Amato asked his son. "Slow down dad. I didn't tell you because you have a lot of work and I dont want to burden you and second I use lotion or powder to cover all the injuries." Bbb explain to his dad.

Then bbb got hug by a pile of his brothers and friends,Amato,Tok oba mechabot and ochobot also hug bbb. Don't you ever think that you are a burden when you are not, Okay!" Amato said to his son. While the other also said the same thing. Bbb are really happy that he's not a burder to everyone.

After that..

"Okay guys you can ask bbb a question after you watch this okay?" Azalea said to them and they all just nod their head.

Bbb: And I think my elemental also started to notice my strange behavior but l really think that Solar will probably tell them soon enough because of how angry his face when he come out. He would always help me bandages my injurise, and lm really thankful for that.

After Bbb done treating his wound..

Solar: Bbb can you please come down for a second.
Bbb: sure, just wait a minute.

After bbb coming down, he saw all of his brother gathering at the table.

Bbb: 'Oh no, did Solar want to tell them about my injuries! oh my god, l really hope not!?'
so why did you call me brother and why are you all gathering here.
Quake: Well, Solar call us because he said he want to tell us something but I don't know what is it tho.

Bbb:*Gulp* so he really want to tell them..I guess it is time for them to know.

Solar: So I gather you all here because of what happen to Bbb!
All elemental-bbb amd Solar: what wrong with bbb, is he hurt / is he okay?!
Solar: Calm down, I want to ask you something did you guys notice whenever bbb come back home, he have alot of injuries?
Al Ele:*nod*
Solar: Well, Bbb do you want me to tell them about it *Bbb nod* Okay. So bbb actually have a bully that always hurt him everyday his go out.
All Element: Who hurt you bbb!! *They all asked bbb*

Quake check bbb injuries.

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